Chapter 168: The Corrupted Realm

As Evan and Lyanna journeyed toward the eastern Lunaris, they walked side by side, breathing in the fresh air filled with forest scents. The clear morning sky illuminated their path, while the sounds of birds and the gentle flow of streams added to the beauty of their journey. They used this time to chat, practice, and plan their strategy.

"So, what’s it like being an elite force in the elf village?" Evan asked curiously, his eyes scanning the dense forest around them.

Lyanna smiled. "It feels like living in a completely different world. We have an incredible peace here, and every day feels like a gift. But, of course, there’s a great responsibility that comes with it. We’re tasked with maintaining the balance of nature and protecting our village from external threats."

Evan nodded. "There must be its own set of challenges. I’m sure your parents are smiling from above, proud of you."

Lyanna glanced at the ground for a moment before answering. "Yes, they always supported me. But losing
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