Chapter 9: The Turning Point

Evan stared at the man with undeniable intensity. "This is the end," he murmured to himself. The man launched his final attack, a swift and deadly thrust aimed directly at Evan’s heart. But at that crucial moment, Evan leapt forward, his body spinning in mid-air. The tip of the man’s sword only managed to graze Evan’s shoulder, while Evan, with perfect precision, drove his knife into the man’s stomach.

The man groaned in pain, blood pouring from his wound. He staggered back but still wanted to continue the fight.

“Who’s there?!”

Evan and the man stared at each other. Evan had given everything he had. If this fight continued, Evan knew he would lose his life.

“Hurry! It sounds like there’s a fight over there!!”

The voices of the townspeople grew closer to their location. The man didn’t want to leave because of his wounded pride, but he had no other choice. This battle was over, and his mission had failed. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have another chance.

"This isn't over. I will come back and take your head," the man whispered with hatred before disappearing into the darkness.

Instead of fear, Evan grinned. “Come back whenever you want. I’ll give you another hole in your belly.”

The man clenched his jaw. Losing to a kid was an extremely humiliating disgrace. But there was one thing he realized: the boy in front of him had something special, and this information he would bring to his master.

“There he is!!”

The man turned and vanished into the night.

Feeling safe at last, Evan let his body fall to the ground.

“There! Someone’s hurt!!”

Evan felt the pain and sting from his wounds. However, a smile of happiness spread across his face. For the first time, he felt true victory. Moreover, the quest completion notification that appeared before him made him smile with joy.

Quest Completed: (2/2)

- Protect the Blade of Eternity

- Save Michael Chang


- Experience Points: +20

- Status Points: +10 all stats

- Status Points: +10 Distribution Points (Can be manually distributed to stats)

- Title: Light of Arcadia (All stats increase by 10 points when fighting enemies with dark attributes)

- Special Ability: Fireball (1/10)

With this notification, Evan knew his efforts had not been in vain. Although his body was covered in wounds, his heart and soul were filled with pride. As he waited for help to arrive, Evan closed his eyes, allowing himself to be engulfed in a sense of relief and victory. In the midst of the dark night, a small light shone brightly in his heart.


The man who had failed to steal the Blade of Eternity hurried back to Victor’s headquarters. Though his body was severely wounded and blood continued to pour from his injuries, he knew that reporting this failure was more important than tending to his wounds.

In a skyscraper, Victor waited impatiently. He was a man who never showed mercy and had zero tolerance for failure. With eyes as sharp as an eagle’s, Victor was ready to prey on any of his enemies. When the door opened and the man entered the room, Victor immediately knew that his plan had failed.

“You return without the sword?” Victor growled, his voice filled with restrained anger.

The man fell to his knees, holding back the pain that ravaged his body. “Forgive me, sir. I tried my best, but a child got in my way.”

Victor frowned. “A child? How could a child stop a trained killer like you?”

“He is not an ordinary child, sir,” the man replied weakly. “He has extraordinary abilities. He could follow my movements in the dark and managed to wound me with a knife.”

Victor listened intently but still found it hard to believe what his subordinate was saying. “Do you think I look like a fool? Does it make sense that a child defeated you, Marcus?”

Marcus, the man who had failed, pressed his forehead to the floor. “I do not think so, sir! I am telling the truth! I even—”

“Silence!” Victor cut him off. “You have failed, Marcus. I do not tolerate such disgraceful failures. But you bring useful information. Can you back up your words?”

Marcus nodded with difficulty. “I would stake my life on the truth of this information, sir. That boy is extraordinary. I have never encountered anyone like him before.”

Victor stood and approached Marcus. “Did he use magic or something?”

Marcus shook his head. “No, sir. But he has extraordinary physical abilities.”

Victor pondered this newly acquired information. This failure indeed infuriated him, but his curiosity about the boy added a new element to his plans.

Victor then turned to one of his other subordinates, a younger man who was equally deadly. “David, a new assignment for you. Find out everything about the boy Marcus mentioned. I want to know who he is, where he comes from, and what makes him so special.”

David nodded with determination. “I will, sir.”

Marcus felt relieved that Victor didn’t immediately punish him. However, he knew that a second chance would not come if he failed again. With the remaining strength he had, he stood and slowly walked out of the room.

Victor stared out the window with eyes full of determination. “Whoever that boy is, he has just entered this game. We’ll see how far he can go.”


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