Arcane Exorcist
Arcane Exorcist
Author: Lord of Hallows

[7:00 P.M],

Abandoned Sector 5,

Outskirts of New Chrisland City.

Ash, soot, and smoke haphazardly littered the air, extremely polluting it with its unpleasant odor and color, while several scorch marks and giant craters designed the earth, brutally destroying multiple buildings in the area, horrifically reshaping and devastating the abandoned landscape.

Three youths, each dressed in black, cautiously made their way through the demolition site. Among them, a female figure added a unique dynamic to the group. Their choice of coordinated dark elegance distinguished them as they traversed the rough terrain, their purposeful stride evident.

Amidst the debris and remnants of the demolition, the trio moved with a blend of caution and determination.

Their observant demeanor suggested a deliberate exploration and investigation of the area, hinting at a shared objective. Their matching black outfits weren't just a sign of them being a team; they also brought an interesting vibe to their presence amidst the demolished surroundings.

“Why do you think two Special Grades would be fighting each other?” The Girl curiously inquired, repeatedly shifting her attention from one place to another, intensely scanning the perimeter.

“I dunno, why don’t you ask Adam” One of the Guys nonchalantly said, pointing at the latter.

“I have no idea,” The guy in question said with a stoic expression, not even glancing at his colleagues.

“Classic Adam. Cold as ever” The Girl mockingly commented, shrugging her shoulders.

“Whatever you say Cassie” Adam indifferently replied.

“Drake, Inform the higher-ups that we couldn’t find anything at the scene” He promptly added, glaring at his male colleague.

“Okay man” Drake replied.

As this went on, Adam the leader of the group suddenly spotted a crater. Still, unlike the others, this was extremely massive, spanning over a distance roughly similar to that of an average stadium.

“What the hell?” Adam couldn’t help but mutter in both awe and shock.

“What is it?” His Colleagues simultaneously inquired, swiftly rushing towards him.

On arrival, the first thing that caught their attention was the massive crater engraved onto the earth. Its depth was seemingly unmeasurable, as they couldn’t see its bottom.

“Whatever made this, was not a Special Grade,” Adam thought, looking puzzled and stroking his chin.

“I think someone’s down there” Cassie exclaimed, tightly squinting her eyes.

“You can’t be serious!” Drake replied, staring solemnly at the massive crater. He couldn’t see a thing, no matter how hard he tried to squint his eyes.

“She’s right,” Adam thought, staring intensely at the insanely deep crater. It was a wonder that they could get some sort of visual of the crater’s bottom.

“What in the world is someone doing outside the barrier?” Drake confusedly inquired, looking at his colleagues for answers.


Due to Mana toxicity, humans can’t live freely in the outside world, rather, they reside in secluded settlements protected by an immense barrier of Yin Yang Force energy. Despite this, a select number of humans popularly known as Exorcists possess actual tolerance against Mana.

This tolerance is a result of what they call, An Awakening.


“I don’t know, ask Adam” Replied Cassie, frantically waving her hands.

“There’s a possibility the person down there is dead…” He said, taking a quick pause.

“Wait here, I’m going to check it out” He added, as his body suddenly and gradually began submerging into his own shadow.

A few moments after his Shadow submergence, he reemerged from the darkness that lurked inside the crater.

His attention was instantly drawn towards the naked person who was lying helplessly on the bare and scorched ground. Judging by the physique of the being on the bare earth, it was obvious that the person was a male individual.

Not even fazed by the fact that the strange human was stripped naked, he casually walked over, crouching downwards on arrival quickly checking the naked male’s pulse. He abruptly released a short-lived shriek and promptly regained his composure, removing his attention from the seemingly dead individual.

“You guys, get down here!” Adam yelled at his colleagues, signalling for their attention.


“He’s alive... “He softly added.

“Are you serious?” Cassie replied, obviously hearing what her stoic colleague said.

She emitted a strange stellar-like energy aura, which swiftly coated her entire being as she briefly levitated, swooping down into the crater.

At the same time, Drake simply leaped into it, with a loud boom, followed by a trail of dust and debris.

Arriving at approximately the same time, their attention was immediately piqued, as they saw the individual who was in the crater.

After checking his pulse and confirming Adam’s unbelievable words, Drake swiftly replied, frantically placing his hands above his head, “What in the world? … How is this even possible?”

“Why is he naked?” Cassie complained, trying to remove her focus from the naked male right in front of her.

“He looks young, really young,” Adam thought, intensely staring at the young male.

“I think he might be eighteen or less… It’s hard to tell” Drake said, carefully scanning the young lad’s face.

“If he’s eighteen, that means he would be two years younger than me, but how’s that possible? He looks too young” Adam thought to himself, stroking his chin.

“Apart from the fact that he’s alive outside the barrier, his entire body is completely contaminated with Mana which should instantly kill him… Strange”

“Adam…..Adam……ADAM!” Cassie yelled, staring worriedly at Adam, who was presently lost in his thoughts.

“What is it?” Adam snapped out of his self-induced trance.

“What are we going to do?” Cassie curiously inquired.

Quickly racking his brain, he said calmly, with his slender eyes glaring intensely, “Let’s take him back to the B.o.E, The Executives will know what to do”.

Two Hours earlier,

[5:00 P.M],

The Bureau of Exorcism HQ,

New Chrisland City.

A moderately good-looking young man was seen currently conversing with someone, who for some weird reason was hidden in the shadows of the room.

His sharp, tailored black suit jacket and slim-fitted trousers exuded an air of sophistication, adding a touch of refined elegance to his overall appearance.

His clean-cut attire gave him a polished and put-together look. His choice of patent leather dress shoes added a touch of sophistication to his ensemble.

A cascade of well-kept, trimmed black hair framed his face, its edges and sides perfectly aligned. Currently, his features bore a grim yet intense expression, hinting at some mysterious quality.

A uniquely designed ID card hung casually around his neck, accentuating his attire. Its unconventional appearance drew attention. Prominently inscribed on the card was the bold and distinctive name 'Adam Ackerman,' providing an enigmatic touch to his overall appearance.

“This is rare, why do you want me to train you?” The unknown Man Adam spoke with, inquired with a brilliant, posh accent.

“Isn’t it obvious, I want to get stronger” Adam coldly replied, glaring at the strange posh man.

“Alright, but don’t you remember what I told you before.

Champ, if you want to get stronger, you’ve got to have a sound resolve,” The Posh man said.

Adam immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance, “I know that, and besides, I already have My Resolve” He replied.

“I live for revenge. You should know that by now Xavier” He promptly added remaining stoic.

Hearing Adam’s vengeful words, Xavier instantly erupted in laughter, “Of course I do, but after revenge, what comes next?” Commented Xavier with his smile curling upside-down, releasing a little bit of bloodlust, which didn’t go unnoticed by Adam.

“Nothing,” Adam said with indifference, glaring at the middle-aged man.

Xavier’s frown suddenly turned into a smile, as he awkwardly caressed his hair, “Classic Adam, what am I going to do with you aye”.

“You could train me, just like I asked” Adam stoically replied.

“Alright, but I want you to get stronger so you can protect the people you love,” Xavier calmly said.

“I don’t love anyone!” Adam promptly replied, causing Xavier to bite his tongue accidentally, swiftly swallowing and choking on his words.

“Really!” Xavier curiously exclaimed.

“Yes,” The Latter replied.

“Not even me!” Xavier confusedly inquired, winking seductively at Adam.

“Don’t make this weird” Adam commented about Xavier’s sudden and weird behaviour. “Besides, you’re strong enough to take care of yourself,” He added.

“That’s true, but what about Cassie?” Xavier said.

“She can take care of herself”…

“How about Drake?”…

“Don’t fuckin care”…

Not satisfied with his response, Xavier glared wickedly at the Lad in front of him, as he said, “How about your sister? “.

Hearing his question, the cold lad fell deeply quiet, shifting his gaze to the floor tile in front of him.

“In that case, I have nothing to teach you mate” Xavier commented wryly, leaving Adam totally dumbstruck.

“Why?” Adam erupted in annoyance.

“See the fact is, you’re already strong, but the only thing limiting your power is, you’re intense thirst for revenge. Once you let go of that and focus on protecting others, that’s when you’ll exceed your limits” Xavier lectured with immense enthusiasm and charisma.

“Bullshit!” Adam whispered. “Says the guy whose resolve to get stronger is just to look cool” Adam bitterly scoffed.

“Aye mate when you’re strong as I am, you can do what you want!” Xavier replied, sadistically grinning.

Adam briefly sighed, casually placing both hands into his pocket while exiting the room.

“Where are you going?” Xavier curiously inquired.

“I’ve got business to attend to. See you later, Xavier” Adam replied, as his body gradually submerged itself into his shadow.

Seeing this, Xavier couldn’t help but chuckle, slightly ruffling his already messy hair. “That kid,” He said with a cheery smile.

“He needs to learn a little bit of respect... It’s Executive Xavier, God-damnit!” He erupted in annoyance.


Adam was seen casually strolling through the hallway of the enormous building, built entirely out of reinforced concrete. Just as always, the Halls were as busy as ever.

Casually, the brooding young man folded the sleeves of his right hand, revealing a wristwatch that seemed to be touch-sensitive.

“Shit, it's thirty minutes past five. I’m way behind schedule,” He thought, shifting his attention back to his surroundings.

! Beep! Beep!

The sound echoed out from his watch, attracting unwanted attention. Quickly staring at it, he had a call from Cassie, which he promptly answered.

“Hey Adam, where are you?!”…

“I was with Xavier, what’s the matter?” He stoically replied.

“We’ve got a job to do”...

“What’s it about?” He curiously asked.

“Sightings of Five Demon-Class Grade-B Primes in Abandoned Sector 4” She answered.

“Alright, where are you guys?” He inquired with diminished enthusiasm.

“We’re at the parking lot” She immediately replied

“Okay, I’ll be there soon,” He said.

“We’ll wait here for….” She said before she was interrupted by Adam’s sudden appearance. Before she could finish her sentence, Adam shockingly emerged right out of shadow silhouettes cast on the concrete floor.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Adam asked, solemnly staring at her.

“It’s nothing” She replied in gibberish as her face turned red.

In front of them was a black coloured SUV and inside, by the driver seat was Drake. The blonde youth stared out the window, immediately spotting Adam.

‘Yo dude!” Drake exclaimed with utter excitement.

“Hey Drake” Adam said, dramatically waltzing into the car, promptly slamming the door closed.

Cassie followed, entering the car dramatically. She sat in the passenger seat, while Adam took the front left seat, leaving her all alone in the back.

“Alright what are we waiting for, let’s go already”…

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