The latest part of the dig site was just one of many exciting encounters today. The first level that worked on the opening found a few bodies that still had clothing on them. The fact that it was preserved so well was much to debate before even unearthing the rest of the remains.
"Dr.William!" A man called out down below. The harness kept him close enough to the lift despite his over-extending. "You have to make sure to come to see this before you go home today!"
"Sure, just make sure you take a lot of pictures!" Dr.William waved at the enthused student. He continued his descent into the ruins. "Gloves on to!"
His last words went unheard. The students had a real hard time remembering to do so. Always commenting that the gloves prevented a real "feel" of what was found. the oils on the body were not that a big deal to them.
But this was a semi-funded University Dig. A few procedures needed to be done still. Only 15% of what was found so far was going on display after all. Everything else was going into private collections and secret viewings.
"What the heck is this thing on this one's chest?" The students gathered around, looking at what looked to be a metal harness in most places. "It's embedded in the skin to."
A few more moved their lifts over to see. Looking over the sides, causing the baskets to bounce a little. It was a good thing the ground was leveled where they were set up at.
"Well, lookee here." One of the security guards called out. "I think this is that missing convict from last month."
"Well, that would be around the time we had that washout, and security was real lax." Mordecai, the department head from the University, said. He stroked his mustache, giving it a little twist at the end. He was a terrible poker player, William found out one night. "Well, at least we have the right people with us down here."
"Just in case a few other convicts are here I take it?" William observed the distraught look on the convict's face and the fact his body was leaning towards the exit. Not going further in. 'These marking on his side defintely looks like an animal.'
"We will go in first to check in case any others are here hiding out." The security guard gestured for four others to go with him. Leaving the Archeology team there.
"Welp, I am going back topside." William took a cursory glance at the body then moved back. "This is how horror movies happen. Not risking it."
"Don't be such a coward." Isabella, the daughter of one of the people paying for the dig said. Her voice always reeked of ridicule. Well, that or passion when she was on her back having fun. "You will waste energy going back up."
"Fine by me, at least I am in shape." William waved her off behind him. "If some crazy monster comes running out, do slow it down with your bodies for me."
The radio only picked up static and a strange hum of sorts.
The other team looked at each other for a bit before following behind to go back up. Slightly spoked eyes darted around the sides wildly. Each of them noticed something peculiar caused by an overactive imagination.
"Dr.William..." Pete, a Botanist, called out. ".. we had more lanterns hung up yesterday. I am quite sure of it."
William didn't answer as he sped up. His hand reached into his side to grip one of the concealed handguns he carried. Safety off as he prepared for the worst outcome.
"Hey, didn't you.." Pete shut up when he received an elbow in the side from another member of the dig site. "That hurt, you know." He said in a whisper.
"What do we have here?" A convict said, coming out from the side. A few lanterns lit up behind him. "Perfect way to get out of this country is what it is."
A total of 6 people came out into the path.
"Shame." William opened fire, running directly forward. "Not ending up in this place like that guy back there!" Paranoia and quick action generally worked in his favor.
The first gunshot scares the others enough to cause a panic. The next ones hit at least four of the targets. A shoulder check to the one blocking the way allowed him to get pass.
"Holyshit!" Pete cried, running out next. Only turning back to see Isabella get grabbed but getting free after she poked her grabber in the eyes. The convict fell and was then trampled on by the others. "Oh shit!"
Topside, they were at least happy the rest of the security team reacted to the gunfire. William said nothing but pointed behind to the others. He moved and switched out his ammo quickly. Reloading completely could wait till later for the used magazine.
"Ha..ha.. ha.." Claire, a local ran over to him exhausted. A bit of blood on her boots. "I can't believe that just happened!"
"We got lucky." William had his breath under control, looking around for anything weird. So far, nothing looked amiss. "If Pete would have shut up, we might have made it to the entrance with an issue."
"How the hell was I supposed to know they were there?!" Pete was embarrassed, but that didn't save him from the hard stares of the others. "You could have said something!"
"And alert whoever was in the place.. that makes sense." William frowned at the boy. The privileged fuck always pissed him off. "If you would have read the bloody security guides given in the beginning, you would have known to shut up about something that strange."
"Like anyone reads those!"
Everyone raised their hands but himself. Isabella didn't read all of it, but she read enough of it regarding hostage situations or in the event of a robbery. She was already on the phone calling her dad to send more security.
Gunfire went off down below. Either more convicts down than they thought or whatever animal took out that one guy was found. It went on for a few more minutes before finally stopping.
"Well.. this is going to go really bad or really good." William moved away from the entrance with most following behind. "Really wish the jeep was not busted from overheating."
"That's odds that the security team is not coming out?" Claire asked. A few hopefuls sighed. While William said 50/50 chance maybe they would come out eventually. "Hey.. why aren't the lifts on?"
Up above, the machines didn't move. The baskets only slightly moving due to the desert breeze. The different harnesses dangling a bit without bodies in them.
"The signal on my phone keeps cutting out. How about everyone else?" Isabella asked. They all had the same issue. "So we need to try the Satellite phones then."
"Really turning into a horror movie here," William grumbled. He moved over, grabbing an extra box of food bars. A few extra bottles of water were put in his bag as well. The few looks annoyed him a bit. "Look, I am doing all this because I am scared. If I have to take off running into the desert, I want to stand a chance at least."
"When you put it that way." The others did the same. Not enough to bog themselves down but enough to survive.
"The radio is busted. Like melted almost." Isabella stated after coming back. Seeing everyone's sad faces, she had worse still. "The sat phone is fried. The others are most likely on the Supply Team and the Security Team."
"Well... a whole bunch of nope to what you are thinking." William stood up, took one look at the entrance, and walked away. Heading directly towards the first town by foot. "A day's trek by foot, I can do that easily."
He grabbed one of the security forces' rifles and ammo just in case.
"Wait! What about the security team that went down? What about the students who worked up top?!" Pete called out.
"I am just being practical here. Nothing is stopping you from checking on that." William kept moving. "We haven't heard any more gunfire, haven't heard any talking, and in case you haven't noticed... some of the equipment has been fried. I am not a brilliant man but I am a smart one at least. This, these screams get the fuck out of dodge really quickly."
"I am with him on this." Claire stated, already following behind. "No way is this caused by anything normal." Most of the dig team following with.
"Isabella, what do you think?" Pete asked worriedly. "We need to at least check on them."
"Maybe a good vantage point from up top." Isabella looked around then made her decision. "Guess crawling on top of the boon into the basket is the only way."
Those who stayed started crawling on top of the other lifts making their way up. A few due to fear of being on the ground and wanting to hide a little. As they climbed, William and company made tracks pretty fast.
"What do you think really happened?" Only a shrug was given. "I am Mosconi by the way."
"I know who you are; you have a good singing voice. Just wish you wouldn't do it at night time." William commented. "All I know is that I did not want to be there anymore."
Most of them agreed. The ground started to rumble as a weird wave came up from behind them.
"What the hell.." William couldn't move as he floated. The others have the same issue. ".my.. throat..is.." He could no longer speak as his body started seizing up. A tingling down his spine grew hotter.
The sand below them gave way as they floated back down. Turning into a large sinkhole that swallowed them up into an endless abyss it seemed. Up above another wave of light passed over. Then another as it built in frequency.
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Currently, Marisole was surrounded by Library Enforcers after she was pried away from William abruptly. The only good thing is that they acted after he disconnected. The Malware the female librarian was infected with was way lower and weaker than Health Coordinator Bailey."I am telling you all I am fine!" Marisole protests were ignored of course. Held back by the enforcers as her Grandfather had William pinned to a wall. Leading with emotions instead of coming to logical choices currently. "You are making a serious mistake! He was helping me!"The difference in the Body And Mind attainment made things helpless. If not for William's Soul so strong and the Firewall Protection from his Computer System, this would have ended the moment the old man came into the room."Grr!" William had blood leaking from his mouth as he pushed back like a strangled dog. Controlling the remaining Swords from the 36 Strikes striking at the oddly large hand holding him by the throat.
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William was currently giving a lecture on the Method of a Basic Heart Method. The "Stifling Anger" could either help change the heart into a mana-producing organ or make it eat the mana in the body to help with healing.He lost two students in the last week to them giving into challenges. No assistance or intervention was done by him. True to his word in regards to his students who didn't listen.As for those that declined and then harassed, well those people found themselves in trouble further with the Health Department, Military Department, and Disciplinary Department. Not to mention William himself reported each of the students that harassed them formally.Few people took kindly to this. Citing he went above his station to protect those students. But as a Military Officer, even a low-ranking one, William could make it really bad if they go against him for upholding the law."Each of you has the perfect fuel for this. The Mana Essence should be detectab
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.Disciplining students-.Tempering 3 into 1 gave a good groundwork to use. Especially filling in some of what he was looking for. Abolishing his cultivation to redo it to gain answers was looking better and better.To provoke some and see if there is anything he was missing, William sent a proposal in regards to "Cultivation Swallowing" to the School Board when the Meeting started back up.Of course, it was a subject mentioned before but not a single Faculty member was willing to help in that regard. Over a hundred Teachers and Student-teachers and not a one wanted to study or apply for the course.Teacher Hill along with his students were present as well. Appointed in a dual teacher role by a few who pressured it. Some using the rumors of William's incident with the interogation to cause trouble.Gathered in the field as normal, Williams students were griping and groaning. A few eyed him with looks of frustration between his
Chapter 27 Akademy Teacher Meeting
William was not happy about his current situation. He was stuck in an Auditorium listening to people gripe about students and other teachers causing them trouble. He did his best to focus on the book he was reading that hinted at a set of ruins to the south.Why the Teacher Meeting was carrying on like this was beyond him. The high-up Coordinators were not even in the room anymore. Not to mention the Dean and Vice-Dean did not even enter the room.'Possible Archaeology Dig in a Different Dimension! How exciting!' The smile on William's face caught another student teacher's attention. Not that he paid attention to it. 'After I complete my experiment to fix all the trouble gained from before and those bastards marking me. My back hurts something fierce when I cultivate.'"William," the other student-teacher called out. When he didn't answer they got loud. A few others called out to him."William!" They were still ignored. But he did wave a hand up."
Chapter 26 Returning to Akademy Part 1
"A few weeks tops, I came across a Ghoul Mana Beast in the Dungeon at the Akademy. It did not go well for me. AS far as it being defeated, it was a matter of circumstance and.. some Rat.""Rat?" The third one with features similar to that of a Bat Falcon showed interest. "Did it look no different than a typical Rat Mana Beast? No special hair or anything like that?""Correct. Did some weird movements that seemed to give it the ability to command or influence the Striped Hyena there. The weird Ghoul Mana Beast even talked about vermin in its home. Whatever that meant." William found himself having trouble moving even his head. Something painful passed along the center of the back when he forced it. "How about you just let me get out of here and we go our separate ways?""Nonsense. We have much more to discuss." Captain Colotyl smiled then reached out touching William's face. A brush of the thumb that could cut through wood did nothing of course. "Your Body is com
Chapter 25 Talks with New Enemies and Ghoul Beast Cultivators
William was a few miles away and only felt more worried about the stream of Essences turning into Mana that started to condense thicker. Running none stop and cultivating was just not in the cards to do smartly. But at least his movement technique grew leaps and bounds.Knowledge System: Talkback Feature enabled Satelite Uplink connected. Autoconnect Incoming transmission...William stopped in place due to pure surprise."William.. Claire... Pete.." The breaking of the voice ended once he moved a little to the left. A quick check to the connection level revealed it had increased two full bars. "..anyone respond.""This... this is Dr.William, I have no idea where the others are. Neither if they have any working gear. In fact.." Looking down at the bomb that was made of stone and glowing Glyphs, he was still trying to figure out how it worked in regards to his computer. "... I am barely surviving now. Attacked by hostiles in great number."A bi
Chapter 24 Battlefield Part 5 Skirmish Blues
Knowledge System: Body Pillar Realm Rank XII achieved. Overall increase in Blood Energy. Storage Capacity increased by 6. Terrabytes. Mental Pillar Realm Rank V achieved. 2% increase in understanding of Palm Techniques. Soul Pillar Realm Rank XII achieved. Body, Mind, Soul Energy increased."Thanks." William got up shaking the grim off. Coordinator Bailey having a look of astonishment looking down at her hands. Finger flexing in a weird way. "What is it?""Whatever you study has helped me improve." Her mouth closing repeadetly like a fish out of water. "With how your apertures work with the various energies inside, I found myself increasing in strength and understanding. How did you do it?"The woman wouldn't come out and say it, but William's value just increased a large margin."By constantly circulating my mana I guess. I mean all my techniques are at the Akademy to use. I also engage with my students." It wasn't a li