Chapter 144 - Old Master Ton In Action


"You will take me to that so-called Robert's villa," Old Master Ton immediately commanded icily as soon as he saw the captain return, preparing to roll up the window after issuing his order.

He had just moved the window an inch up, however, when he saw the Captain glaring coldly at him.

“Who do you think you are?” He furiously inquired.

“Huh?!” Master Ton became dumbstruck, the same for Michael and Sarah.

“Did you just ask me that?” The Old man slowly looked back at The Captain and inquired.

“If not you, then who?” The Captain confronted. “Coming here and acting almighty as though you were something special.”

“Let me tell you, Master Robert isn’t aware of you coming and the order I just received was to deny you entry, so, if you like yourself, just turn back and return the same way you came.”

“This…” Old Master Ton found it difficult to react for a brief moment, refusing to believe that he had just been spoken to in the manner he had just witnessed.

“Sir, please respect
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