Chapter 146 -  Another Shocking Turn Of Event 

Inside a dimly lit, abandoned hall, Olivia was presently strapped to a chair with her mouth taped shut to silence her incessant screams.

She was already terrified and overwhelmed with questions about who had kidnapped her. No matter how hard she looked, however, she found no answers.

Her captors remained silent, only giving her dirty looks, leaving her alone with her fears.

As time passed, Olivia grew increasingly frightened, and the reality of her situation became more and more apparent to her.

Just when she felt she couldn't bear it any longer, and her heart was about to burst from her chest, however, the sound of heels striking the floor echoed.

Olivia instantly jerked her head, desperately wanting to see the approaching person. However, since the other figure was in the dark, it took her a moment to discern their face.

The next second, Olivia’s eyes widened significantly with shock and disbelief.

“Are you that shocked to see me?” Laura inquired playfully, looking at O
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