Chapter 181 – Ava and Smith's Reaction 


Neither Ares nor Olivia spoke another word throughout the rest of the ride home, yet, even the slightest trace of tension could be felt in the car, instead, it was filled to the brim with love and affection.

And upon the couple’s face, unhidden excitement was heavily etched.

“We are here,” Ares stated as he packed in front of the not-so-big nor small villa, startling Olivia up from her reverie.

“So quick,” she responded subconsciously before making the effort to open the door.

Before she could, however, Ares had already opened it for her, saying; “You are in a fragile condition now, so, I wouldn’t want you to stress yourself again.”

“You!!!” Olivia immediately glared at Ares with a red face, embarrassed to the core.

Ares only winked playfully at her and with that, he helped Olivia out of the car, ignoring her untruthful angry look.

They turned around to walk to the villa when they saw Ava, standing with a thunderstruck expression on her face as she gaped at both Ares and
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