Chapter 183 – Ava and Smith’s Reaction to The Pregnancy New


Inside a living room that was filled to the brim with a tense atmosphere, four people sat in absolute silence.

Two of them had faces etched heavily with shock and disbelief while one of them was filled with nervousness, as for the last of them, no matter how much he tried to hide it, the look of pride and joy on his face was just too obvious.

These four people were Ava, Smith, Olivia, and Ares.

Ava and Smith just learned the news of their daughter’s condition, that she is pregnant for Ares.

The news was just too shocking that even the usually fierce Ava couldn’t react for a long time.

She and her husband sat with their mouths and eyes wide open, gaping at their daughter as though she had just revealed a heaven-and-earth destructive level of news.

This silence lasted for almost an hour before finally, Ava suddenly shook her head.

“I must be dreaming,” she mumbled to herself, then she slowly rested her back against the couch backrest and then shut her eyes, dumbfounding Ar
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