
Following the intense confrontation, Arion decided to unmask, revealing a warm and welcoming smile to those present.

Upon beholding Arion's reassuring smile, Zayn couldn't suppress the shiver that coursed through him. Although Arion's outward appearance was friendly, the memory of the dread he had experienced when facing the masked and mighty Arion still haunted his thoughts. Despite his reluctance, Zayn bowed his head before Arion, a silent acknowledgment of the overwhelming power he had witnessed.

Soon Arion's gaze fell upon Kyle and Seraphina, both of them were similarly gripped by an unshakable dread. His amiable smile did little to assuage the lingering fear that had taken root in their hearts. In unison, they shuddered and quickly averted their eyes, their heads bowing in an involuntary show of reverence and submission as Arion turned his attention towards them.

In the aftermath of the overwhelm

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