Chapter 83 (Escape)

School finally closed for the day, and all Jeremy wanted to do was run home, maybe clear his head before diving back into the chaos that had become his life. But, of course, things were never that simple.

Just as he began to pack his stuffs, he saw Celicia approaching, her bright smile like a spotlight cutting through the dimness of his thoughts.

"Hey, Jeremy," she called out, her voice light and cheerful. He forced a smile and waved, knowing that any attempt to hurry away was now futile.

"Hey, Celicia," he greeted as she walked up to him. They exchanged the usual pleasantries, small talk that felt distant in Jeremy's mind.

Celicia's eyes narrowed slightly as she shifted the conversation. "So, Jeremy, you seem pretty familiar with the new guy. Do you know him from somewhere?"

Jeremy’s mind flashed to Noctis. He grinned awkwardly, trying to downplay their connection.

"Nah, not really. He just seemed friendly on the first day, so we’ve been cool since then. But I wouldn’t say we’re e
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