A Form To Conquer

As for Bayo, he simply put his head against the wood by his side, leaning his temple there as his eyes were fixated on the little opening which was being caused by the swaying of the curtain every now and then. But even as he looked out of the small opening, he did not take any particular interest in anything for his own mind was occupied in a million thoughts,most of them centered on how to be strong. 

He was already having some bits of insecurity. The more time went in this company of his, the more he realized how lacking he was. There was so much of a gap and even though they all laughed and joked about, he could not ignore how well and strongly placed they were. 

At this point, he could remember the words of Hana which she had spoken at the tunnels at the Laprisha Soul Beast Contest to spite him. She had queried on why he was so weak and that had

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