CFR Quarters

The squad of Ronke, Denre and Aeneas walked to the pad. On getting to the pad, people queued to purchase entrance tickets that was checked at the door of the flying saucer. 

But for the CFR agents, it was all different. They simply walked into the pad and greeted the pad conductor to gain entrance. Their transport cost was fully funded by the CFR as they had to do lots of moving about as pertaining to taming and subduing dragons.

The Flying Saucer, a round large disk that was bloated at the middle, swirled slowly, humming as it gathered Wind Agbara to move. 

Ronke smiled lightly, shoving Aeneas out of the way to get a window seat. The latter grudgingly, in turn shoved away Denre to get a middle seat beside Ronke while Denre had to settle for the alley chair in the row. 

Wind Agbara, that was the aspectual speciality of Orisha Oya, Mother of storms and intercessor for the dead. 

When she had found that she was a unique familiar,

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