At the Outpost realm of Amnor, the Exotic World bridge phenomenon hums with continuous surging of energy at interval of seconds. The bridge is a translucent waterfall like wall, pulsing with energy that sparkles and crackles with various colors of light.
Around the World Bridge is a broken off road that leads directly into the bridge called the Bridge Road which gave users of the bridge access.
The World bridge of Amnor is dubbed an Exotic World Bridge because it not only connected three heavens together but went in double lane traffic, up and down. The Worldbridge of Amnor also connects the First Heaven, Orun Apaadi below with the Middling World of Merchandise, hence the major reason it was dubbed Exotic because of a commuter could either decide to descend into the resource rich but risky First Heaven or ascend up to the World of Merchandise, making it a choice land for several Spirit beings.
However, while being a choice land mass, it also had high

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Damage Inventory
And Pain.. “AAAAAGAGHHHHHH!” The huntress yelled out as the chunk of earth ripped through her back, spearing its way through her entire body, all the way from the back to the front of her. “Now, you can burn!” Ronke said and then, with a smile, she stomped her feet on the deck of the ship, willing back all of the flames that she had been keeping at bay. All of it, towards the screaming form of the huntress even as the ship began to break and scatter into bits of matter down the mountain ranges below. “Now, now." Ronke said, smiling as she willed up a gust of wind to take her off the deck as the deck finally succumbed to the head and the destruction of the flames even after it provided a dying frame for the figure of the huntress earlier. And then,the hull of something already so familiar appeared, rising above the form of Ronke. It lowered itself, a figure, which was Hana standing at the foredeck with her hand extended waiting to take the hands of
The Combat of the Air Mistress II
A large spike of Earth tore through the front deck of the ship, ripping through the spot that Slyka had stood in only seconds away now. The moment it ripped through,a gigantic explosion of flames burst out in the lower deck now, the entire mass of the licked up in instant flames and heat, turning out to be a massive firework in the sky. Now.... Ronke panicked. The level of destruction that she had caused with her earth spike stalling was catastrophic. She had to keep a wall of oxygen deprived air about her to keep the flames from gathering around her or ve scathing her own skin. She was not insusceptible to fire,after all, despite being able to control fire though. She was worried. But then, the worry about the CFR was the least of her concerns. After all, in the battle scene, who had to worry about what happened to the enemy. The person who did do that was the one who was willing to get himself or herself at the losing end of the whole thing. But for h
The Combat of the Air Mistress
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Saga of the Uniquely Stupid Chimp II
‘Yeoowww’ Bayo could only scream out in his mind, mentally as his whole body went through a wreath of red hot flames. Still in the gust of the momentum of the jump from earlier, his body went on, traversing space as he crossed the distance which was between the two ships. His body was roasting and he flew tall of the what, all of his insides feeling like marshmallows now. And oh, how hot the fumes were. The mere scent of the smoke that was about was roasting his nose, smelting down all of his internal organs that dealt with smell and breathing. His body hairs kept on shrinking as they blazed, the entire mass of the Lightning Fist Chimp now reduced to a literal burning mass of meat. Panic surged through his body now as Bayo crashed down to the decking of the larger CFR ship. While he wanted to re
Saga of the Uniquely Stupid Chimp I
The feeling had been instantouse for Bayo. For him to switch into the form of an Adze all in a bit and then revert back to the form of a Familiar Prime had been all so super fast. It was something which he did not think he would have been able to achieve, without Yasmin with him. Yes, of course, he could just as easily switch his body form ,without Yasmin being involved but also, he had to consider the event of the last time. He had spoked Ronke and the rest up when he had suddenly switched into the form of a growing Familiar Prime, as a youngling. He would not want something of such to repeat itself again, especially since it was bound to be a really rough ride in a bit, being that the CFR pursuing ship had arrived. It would be best not to unsettle anyone so that they could focus on what was really necessary and pivotal to their staying in the air for longer.
The Strategist Ronke
Beside a thorough negotiation skill as one of the prerequisites for a good CFR agent, another thing is to be considered in the midst of the yet many factors about a CFR agent. While the others may be so desiring, we would stress here once again, that lethal force is not always so desired in the CFR. If there is need forreal lethal force, there is the outer Consort of the Drakonian Confederacy or even the Inner Consort of the Drakonian Confederacy Army. If need be for thorough lethal force, then the army would be duly notified. An in such case this is often out of the hand of the CFR, However, be it known that it does not undermine the quality of the Cfr. While there is this option, the CFR does have its availability of lethal force. The Guardian and her aides are entities that are capabal of hta, so unless situation has escalated more than the numerous well trained CFR agents, then, Leth
Aerial Battle Commences
Earlier… GBA MMM! A loud bang exploded now and the ship suddenly rocked to the left violently. Bayo could only growl silently in pain as his head, in reaction to the sudan movement, bounced against the wooden bar just before his head, towards the left hand side of the bed. “What happened?” ROnke and Hana shouted almost immediately as they jolted out of the cabin, looks of questioning on their face towards the one at the cockpit. Shin. ‘Well…” Shin cried out to them, his head tilted upwards, looking at something which was beyond them. “We have company and they have real mood swings.” He said, tilting to the right with the steering wheel as he attempted to stabilise the ship now. ****