
There was just a little issue with that now. Now was not the time to be discussing something like that. Or even be thinking about it. He had to make hay while the sun shone and he was going to get on that. 

Bayo sucked in air or attempted to do that while he was still in the little form of a bird. His wings flapped tirelessly even now as he kept his eyes on the goal. Sooner or later, he reasoned to himself, he would get to the place where he was going. 

However, there was just a little wave of hesitation flushing through his mind. His little chest thumped now as he thought about the constraints of the mission that he was on.

How in the names of the seven heavens would he be able to fly a boat? He had never had a single experience on that. Yet, he was expected to be the getaway pilot who would pilot a flying boat over to get Ronke, Shin and Hana.

He sighed to himself, the responsibilities that the others put on him was just so much

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