Nothing to Bet About!

On the return of Layo, he had been furious that he had gone after the Titan brothers. Being the stronger of the three of them due to the fact that he was a mercenary hunter, they had been successful in vanquishing the Titans brothers, all though it had taken him quite the time to do so because the Titans were only two. He was just one and again, Sayo was heavy with children. 

When Sayo had put to birth again, the Titan brothers had returned just at the nick of time when an agreed Layout was about to end the life of the one red skinned Titan baby. They stole him away from his fury and escaped, running far away. Layo would have made to pursue them but his sister and wife was now in failing health. And so, he had stayed back to see that she was doing alright. 

Sayo did not make it. Layo blamed her death on the Titans and so, he had grown his offspring to

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