The Shin parameter

And that was Shin. 

‘Now, what does Shin have that makes him really powerful? Bayo asked, squinting at the screen. 

Shin, to his best of knowledge had the ability to use double laws, just like that. He may have taught him how to use the two laws, or at least, gave him some insights on how to manipulate the two laws, based on how he had gotten around it. 

He ahd his own issues on the fact that his base law was the Law of Gluttony. And then, with the visit of his patron Orisha- or at least, that was what she had claimed to be- Osun, he had been bestowed the Law of Love. 

With his own law of Gluttony, the Law of Love had come in as an impediment being that the two laws were from two alternating source. The Aspectual Laws of Light and the Sinful Laws of Darkness. It was this contrastion that made the two laws counter against one another, which made the usage of either of the two laws a seemingly impossible task. 

He had c

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