Immediately Hana turned towards him, Bayo did not need to be told, things err definitely going to spiral down from there. He only wished that now that if chaos were to start, the Battle Arena would indeed live up to its expectations and hold them in.
After all, they had had way too many pit stops to allow another thing like this come in the way of the journey. Not that it was of any personal matter to him, he did not want to let Ronke down. And then again, he had a debt that he could pay, for now, through Ronke. And as if was, the best bet at having that actualised was to work out a way where they were able to get down to the Familiar Realms and get the Dragonweed which was neccesary to cure his onetime friend, Jaspar. The only one who had really stood up for him, prior to his meeting with Ronke and the Hadjans. Now, Hana was up against him. Although it was Hana per say, it was more like the deity inside of her was trying to make some grand appearance but then a
Well. Im working on clearing several drafts I have.please bear with me.

Related Chapters
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 130. Holding Out Against a Diety
“I close my eyes. Not really though but then I kickstart my imagination and I start to weave a shape.” He paused, his eyes lighting up behind his glasses as he turned to Bayo now. “You know stick figures, right?” “Yes, what does that have to do…” Bayo could remember how he had impatiently cut in. “Perfect!” Shin cut in now. “I imagine the shape of each of them and then begin to wear a cloak of Agbara. If you can do this, then you can.. Ouch!” --- [See Chapter 116]- --- Remebering the words that SHin ahd said to him back then at the Fores
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“Interesting.” Chief Bamiro said, clapping his hands as he began to walk towards Bayo. “You took the mistress of space by surprise. And coupled with Hana rejecting her in the first place, she was no match for you. You do have the potential, don't you?” Bamiro said, his right hand latching to the shoulder of the first born. Bayo sighed, physical exhaustion running through each and every nerve in his body. It felt good, to be able to stand out against Hana or rather Ashabi in her maniac state but then the toll on his body, on his energy could not be ignored. Luckily, he did know that he had not pushed his energy to the extreme. If he had, Yasmin would have probably pushed out a warning. He felt the urge to check his soul status but then again, he hesitated, wanting to push that till some time later. After all, what was really what he was looking for
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 132. This is Goodbye
True to what Ronke said, the sounds of hammering begun to resonate in the air. The sensation that equipped the atmosphere of a town which was basically dependent on crafting and building various equipment and weaponry taking over the seven atmosphere of the ship little by little.Ronke sighed in relief as she heard the sounds, each of them sounding like welcoming lullabies to her ears. Like music to her soul. She was ecstatic about the whole thing.First of all, she as able to make it down here. She was able to make it down to the same pkcwwhere she had been castaway. She was at the place of her origins and the job or bright could not be contained. No, n't by a long shot.Then secondly again, the fat that she could hear the sounds here and there were welcoming to her because it meant one thing. She was not late. Her whole makeshift town as not late. Despite all of the occurrences which had played out on the course of the journey; they had tougher it out to
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 131. The Black Rage Dragon
“Bring it over here.” A voice echoed out from the ground as the tremendous form of the Black Rage Dragon towered above buildings and beings.The air was still, heated by the very presence of the Dragon in the scene. The dragon was floating, levitating at best with an extremely contorted scowl, powered by tremendous rage within it.It had a reptilian snout, it's fangs running about the exterior of the snout like external attachment. The fangs were all about yellow or grey at best, all of which were externally affixed, or seemed so, even as they locked into one another whole a tongue flicked out from the front of the snout. The eyes were beaming yellow, and steaming amidst hissing even as it blinked every now and then.It had a just two points at both sides of the head for ears while having extremely rugged skin with many rings about it. Each ring have a point where noles were tightly packed together especially abouyte jaw side. Then underneath of it the jaws, many rows
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 134. Theatrics is Everything
Seeing bayo take charge now set her heart lighter as a smile spread across the face of Ronke now. Even though she did not know why expressly Bayo had ruled out Hana from acting on, she did not want to think so much on it. Summarising the bet act of it being in his eagerness to help her actualize her goal here. If for anything, Vayo was the most reliable of the entire squad in the ship right now. The Hadjans could just up and leave at any time they wanted to do so and there would be no tangible reason to hold them back. At least, not at first.But when it came to Bayo, it was mutual. Mutually understanding. This was the Familiar Realm which she had promised him that they would find thescarceherb to heal his friend. The Dragon Weed.It was in here that they would get it because it did grow in abundance compared to other realms in the 7 heavens. However now that Bayo had seen the treat that was bordeing about their hometown, he had promptly taken charge, unwilling to let go o
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 135. Theatrical Appearance
Was this what it meant to be powerful? Bayo reasoned, asking himself that question repeatedly and mentally. He was no yet powerful. But so far so good, he had the inkling and just about enough knowledge to understand that those who were powerful were the only one who could truly enjoy a peaceful life. Or at least, something as close to those. Unless of course, they chose not to do so. Which as rather debatable because he did not understand why anyone would have that much lower and still be engaged in many trivial matters. Even for him at this stage of his power growth, he was not yet at the place where he could beat hi chest and relax himself considerably. He still had a long way to go but the relief and the serenity that cane with the skydiving right now could not be quantified. As the wind slapped about his face, his body dropping continuously and faster, it felt as if he dd not have a single care in the world. His instances scaremed do him that ng moment, he could
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 136. Lesser than 30 seconds
After Obatala would make his way to Earth, using of course the golden chain and the fowl., plus the snail shell which contained some sand in it. The fowl diligently did what fowls would often do. It Went about, scattering the sand on the spot. And in so doing, it was pivotal in laying the first foundations of the planet Earth. It scattered it to the west, weast, North and south, all about, cluckling as it did. And while that was happening, the King of the Gods or the would be king of the gods because as at this time, he was not yet the king of Gods had gone about drinking to his fill. After all, he would not be disturbed since the fowl was still busy in implementing his stage one of the work procedures which he was up to at that time. However, if the King of the gods may have known at that time, then perhaps, he would not have indulged himself so
Ascenders: Rising To Hero 137. Lesser than 30 seconds II
If it was just him, Shin reasoned, he may have had a better chance at stopping the dragon. Who would just outrightly leap right at the center of the Dragon With no plan in his pockets? Shin bit his lips now,a s he tried to cover his disappointment in the rash action of the First Born. The First Born maybe had something to do but he did not get so much of the time to actualize it, SHin tried to rationalize. Or the Dragon had simply moved way too fast for him to make a move, maybe? He tried more and more to find a basis for which Bayo and jumped right in there, at the hot spot but could not find a sufficing one which could satiate his raging spirit. Perhaps, if he had not been there, right at the nic of time, Bayo would be toast or something else could have happened to him.None of which would have been
Latest Chapter
To Ascend or To Die?
Heyyyy.... Author Reader interaction here. First of all, thank you for reading this book. Special shout out goes to Lathawn. This amazing reader reached out to make me pick up the pace of updating. Even though I did not always update as early as possible [school stuff], I always had the double chapters in mind, because of him. I think I stuck to that, actually. Alright, fun aside. Here is my view on my book because why not? I am my own reader as well. [SPOILERS OF BOOK 1 HERE! Pls read BK 1 before reading this chapter]! !!!!! !!!!!
196. Fate Has Decided
No more did the noise of the crowd disturb the harmony of both Hadjans as they stood still, both of them staring at the ground. After Abiola dispersed the assembly, he had said a few parting words to the crew and then left, his head heavy in thoughts. The City was in mourning. Whether they blamed Ronke for bringing in Ascenders in or not, it did not change the fact that Ronke was gone. There was no way in the Seven Heavens that they were going to get her back. At least, not in the form she was, when she was alive. Ken and Spyder stood a while back, watching but not daring to say a thing. They had not known the crew for too long, their only actual connection being no one sles but Bayo. Now, Bayo was gone. Or rather, Bayo had gone rogue.
195. Shin; Guardian of Familiar Kind
“He was an Ascender/” \ “How come we did not get to be told this?” “Ascenders are always evil. We know this.” “Why did you withhold this from us?” “Why Would she bring us to the services of an Ascender.?” “They say the boy was her lover?” “Is it true?” “ What is this? This is bad!’ “The Irunmole Could come down on us soon.” “What she did, not telling us, was bad.” ‘I don’t support this.” “Ronke did us bad.”
194. First Born's Judgement
I, Temi, former Asoju of the Irunmole Society and ambassador to the Draconian Confederacy hereby write, in this official statement in my defense, that I do not regret my actions so far. Nevertheless, it is not to your fault that I hold these things. I try very much not to dwell on what is past but in the same vein, the recent happenings have left me irked. So irked that I would rzae the heavens to get my vengeance. The one who cost me my pain, the Ascender and First Born of the abominations of Trixius. Fight and destroy every one of them until, at long last, my dignity is restored and the hand that struck me down is brought back in embers. I, upon my honor, I shall have the head of the First Born. Maybe, only maybe by then, you may come to believe me. To believe the extent of the severity of the threat that
193. Ronke's Gambit
Life is not one thing that is set in stone. Our fate is not set in stone. One moment, we may think we have it all but then at that same moment, Life plays its expensive jokes at our expense. There and then, the life that thought was perfect immediately takes a sour turn, making for nightmares what once thought we had. It is a pitiful tale of our own very existence but it is so that we must live. One by which we must abide in, as far as we are not gods. Even the gods themselves are fated to live lives in which they are not pleased with. What then is the confidence for us who are not even like the gods in any way? There is nothing in life, that being said, there is everything in life. Let us not think that at our best moments, we do not expect the worst. Always set out good things but then, keep a handy
192. The Wave is Over
“Did you know about this?” Abiola asked Ronke, mouth agape. “He is a monster.” “Yeah, that does not matter. We won.” Ronke dismissed the conversation. But on looking back, her eyes widened now. Several of the Familiars seemed stuck to even act as they stared at Bayo, standing over the gigantic mass of the Turtle Backed Sonic Beetle. She could instantly guess what they were thinking. Now, they would be putting two plus two together, making their observations about what was really happening. Holding her stomach now, she heaved and then screamed out, free hand in the air. What if they decide to turn Bayo over to seek the peace like they usually had to do/ Her Heart raced, numerous thoughts surging through them. She would have to find a way to protect him. Sh
191. To defeat a Sonic Beetle
Apart from absorbing bloodlines while you fight, what else did you notice about this battlefield/’ Yasmin asked Bayo as he flexed his fingers right in front of the Beast. The Turtle Backed Sonic Beatss was already in front of him and the form of it was indeed tremendous. Just like he had seen from a distance. It was fearsome, its huge buck tripling the confidence of the monsters as it stared at him balefully. “You Want some?” Bayo taunted. ‘Focus, Biayo.’ Yamsin Called out to him. ‘I know, I just want to say something to it. It's staring at me and making me feel somehow.’ Byao complained. The Beast in front of him seemed to study him with beastial intelligence. It remained still, pausing and waiting while its Beetle eyes
190. Brother and Sister in Arms
“Ah!” Ronke moaned as her body slammed helplessly against the ground. She thrust her hands to both sides, her vision hazy. Looking for something to grab onto and regain her balance. However, for each object she touched, she could only make out the soft, squished and slightly distorted forms of them. These were once living creatures. There were the bodies of the beasts which had been stuck down by the familiars so far. Pride surged in her heart but at the same time, looking on through the hazy vision of hers, she felt a bit of panic. What was Bayo up to now? “Hey, need a hand?” A voice called to her, helping her get back up. Rejuvenated by the source of the voice, Ronke summoned all of her will power as she rose, hefting
189. Stepping Up as First Born
No matter what happened here, Ronke’s plan was not foolproof. Things could always go south. It was for this reason, Hana remained jittery all through the wave. None of that they had faced up till now could prepare them adequately to face a wave. She knew that much. Despite being Lord Classed, she still felt uneasy. Somehow, something would happen. Something that was unplanned for. That was what she looked out for. The one thing she would be able to tank out with her Lord Classed Soul Strength. Law of War churned in her soul space, furiously boosting her spirits as she held her blade, tense but ready for action. She dashed to the left, slicing through, her eyes shut. Fiery aura razing into the atmosphere about her as the air heated up considerably. Her mind went ablaze, alertness level surging high. This was the true power of the Lord Class. The Class were one had a Soul Aura, the first true step in the beginning of power ascension. She opened her eyes