14. The Secret Admirations

“Don't worry, I was once like you too. But you see, you would come to realise that in this place, your truest affections would come to light. For you, you have the desire to live up to someone's expectations. It is like that is all you are wired to do, that is what you see yourself as some sort of portector who must not fail… I used to be like you, until Iyabo taught me the secrets of this place. The secrets of what makes the love garden what it is today.” Macabu snorted and then turned around.

‘You want to know, don't you? You want to… I can smell the curiosity seeping out of your skin. He laughed. 

“You are going to talk or what?” Shin gave an irritated hiss, annoyed at the fact that the Giant was making a jest out of this. Yet, as much as he wanted to dispose of the idea that the Giant was indeed making a point, his whole body and soul went against that line of thought. 

Yes, he really did want to know. But he could not help but think there would be more to it. The more which was definitely not going to be included in the fineprint. That, that was what he was wary of, especially with a dual elemental Giant which had once tried to kill them all. If not for the timely intervention of Iyabo, there would have definitely been an Agbara Bath.  

And judging from how things were, he was sure that the Giant would have been able to knock out at least one of them before he, Shin would have been able to put out a decisive strike to him. The Elemental Giants were really tough and dense when it came to natural body defence. He would have definitely been a hard nut to crack then. 


“I think you think too much!” Macabu laughed out once more. “Look at you, so many thoughts running through your head like now. And If I'm right, you are probably thinking if you should trust me, right?” He asked. 

Shin swallowed, eyeballing him even though his own eyes were being shielded by the sunshades that he always had on. 

“What do you mean by that? How.. How do you know what I am thinking?” 

“You still don't get it, do you?” Macabu tried to roll his eyes which was not so comforting to him. His whole body was made of densely packed stones so rolling his eyes, a membranous substance was definitely a heck of a big deal that could not just be done. 

“Let me break it down for you. When you came over, her reaction... I mean, let's not even go that far. I am talking about you, you know. How was your own reaction when you got to know about  the stuff like that was dulling you guys. It was as if it was trying to lull you out of your consciousness, right?” Macabu queried. 

“Y-yes.” Shin frowned at this, nodding and looking down as he tried to relive the experience. It was at that same time that Hana had been on the edge. Which was the catalyst in her leaving out for something he did not understand. Not like she could mend the total shattered boat that they had come here with. And even if she could by some stroke of Agbara do that,then it was impossible that she would do it by herself. 

Now that Macabu did mention, Shin was beginning to see a relation between that lul effect in the air and the reaction of Hana afterwards. 

“And No, the lull effect is not the reason why she had bolted out away from you. It does not have that effect, you know. It just doesn't charge people up, to go out to battle and all that stuff so if by any way you are thinking of it, you should stop immediately now.” Macabu said. 

“H-how did you know that?” Shin gaped, shocked at the accuracy of his words. 

“Because I was once like you too and I have experienced everything which you may be experiencing right now. '' Macabu paused and then turned around to face the fountain once more. 

“You see, circumstances brought me here. And I loved under her care. When I first came down here, to the love garden, I had experienced a sort of haste in me towards the thing that had always resonated within my soul. That is to my hometown. I wanted to run back there and fight for it and do whatever it would take to make sure that the doom that befell it never did happen. But that is an impossible thing to do so Iyabo taught me how to overcome the effect and now, I can sense when it occurs to others too.”  He explained. 

“What is the effect exactly? I don't recall it being  under any division of the Law of Light and I think I have some expertise in the Law of Light. So then, what is the source of it?” Shin asked. 

“It is the Law of Love. Iyabo is a practitioner of the Law of Love and the air in this courtyard is massively imbued with Love Agbara. So it is that whoever must step in here, must express a strong conviction towards that which they really do love the most or what it is that they are drawn to, the most.”  Macabu paused, throwing his hands into the air, dramatically. “And like I told you, I have been trained to know when the effect is kickin in on people and also have an idea of what it is that they are being pulled towards. Like you!” 

“Like me what?” Shin asked, frowning. 

“You know, since you have come inside here, you have had this strong conviction in your heart to protect. Yes or Yes?” Macabu turned around and suddenly poked Shin in the cheek. 

“Aww, stop!” Shin shoved his hands, the whole gesture being that of an adult who was poking the cheek of a child. The reason being that Macabu was a 9ft Giant while Shin was only about 5ft tall. 

“T-that's not true. I don't believe you.” Shin stammered. 

‘Yes, you kno , you should not try hard to lie. If i did not have my wittiness, I would say you're anything other than a soldier. Which you are, which makes me wonder what a Sage Master is to be doing with this band of travelers? But that is besides the point.” Macabu added as he let his weight drop down to the ground as he sat down. 

“What is the point here?” Shin asked and turned to face him even as the giant rested his back against the walling of the house behind him. 

“Do you remember that I said to let her be when she bolted out on you?” Macabu asked, looking distant.

“Yes?” Shin swallowed. “Yes, I do.” 

“The reason why is that she is trying to reject what is most deep within her mind. The thing that has been bugging her since a while ago but she has not had the mind to say or mention because… I don't know. I never understand how women work.” He shrugged. 

“What are you saying?’ 

“Don't you get it? Your friend is love sick. And she has feelings for one of you. And it is not you. She can't bear to see that person get hurt so she is always so picky on such a person and when she comes here, the realization of heart 's desire hit her so bad that her first response was to reject it.” He said, clawing at the sand with the left hand as he drew lazy circles in them. “To reject it and then  bring up every possibility that it could not be. And at the same time, blame herself for not opening up soon enough till things went so bad as it is now.” 

“Oh my gods. I know. That would be Bayo. She loves Bayo.” Shin gasped out in shock. “The only person who has a really dire case now is Bayo. And she blames herself for not opening up enough about her feelings on time. …” 

“I could be wrong. I am not so versed in this.” Macabu sighed out, shaking his head. “It's just a wild guess. Like I said, I don't really understand Women.” 

“I Know. I am…” 

“You mustn't tell her. You need to let her come to terms with it, on her own time. Neither must you leverage this against her. Macabu warned. 

“Right,” Shin acknowledged, shaking his head. 

“Is it the same Bayo that you have a strong compulsion to? The same person, who you think you must not fail or disappoint?” Macabu groaned. 

At this, Shin hung his head down on his shoulders. His eyes were shut now as they moistened, the truth of what had always bulged at his heart coming to light now. 

“Yes, It is him. I feel like If i flop one time, I would fall short of his grace.” 

“He’s your hero?” 

“Could pretty much say that!” Shin replied now. 


Hi, dont forget what we talked about in the last chapter. Help me out with some book links and shares. Lets get this story out to every one there. So, Hoorayyy! On the flip side, we finally get to know what our team is motivated by. That is Bayo, which is weird because I dont think think Bayo knows this about himself. He keeps thinking he is not enough and anywhere near Shin and the rest. But come on, Hana loves him? LOL, I did not see that coming. Lol. The characters jus t spin out their stories now! And to be fair to them, I have to tell their story now. Bayo took the spot light in Book 1, remember?

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