140. Landing

“I Hope this does not come out strange to you but tell me about your culture here, Roke.” Hana called out now as she slowly steered the ship, bringing it even closer to the ground. 

They had been sailing so far and there had been no glitches on the journey. Shin and Bayo had gone out to confront and defeat the Dragon which had been giving the people somehow d time then. She had hoped that there would not take that much of a time against it but she didn't want to sound like she did not appreciate their efforts. 

Itw as true, in every circumstance, there was often the great divide between skill and having the knowledge to go about it. COmbined together, Bayo and Shin may just be the most potent force that they had on the ship. But without the logistics of how to go about it, they would most likely be in each other’s way. It Was for this reason why the



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