147. Obatala's Mistake

What was Obatala’s mistake?

Surely as the first of the Orisha, one would expect him to be the prototype of perfection but unfortunately such was not the case. He was prone to error, as much as others could as well be. But the core thing about him was that he never for once did flee from the mistakes which he had made. 

Perhaps it was this expelary nature of his that seal his fate as the Kkng of the Gods. Being that in a time where the Eledumare we're just about recovering from the betrayal of their own first creation, Obatala was a breath of fresh air.

In his drunken state, the King of the Gods had gone about creating his first assignment. Stories have it that he had to do his task with the soil which he had didst brought down from Heaven.

The dust that tyw Poultry Fowl had scattered all over the face of the waters, which had sokodofied into layers upon layers of rock solid earth; the foundation of the planet Earth. It was this same earth that the King of the Gods h
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