151. Succumbing to Pressure

With the way things were going now, Ronke could feel the high satisfaction building on the face of ABiola. She wondered, silently, how much ut was that her own brother wold have so much hatred for her that he would do anything to pull her down?

Was it her own fault tat she hd happened to be a Unique Famialir free from the  ancestral curse which had bedeviled every single one of the Familiars in their hometown Was it her own fault thats he had happened to be the bright one,  out of the other Unique Familiars who had been thrown out by their society and she had turned out to be someone with this much potential? Was it her fault?

Then why in the seven heavens did he continue to treat every of her misfortune like it was fun to watch? How much did he really hate?

Sometimes, ROnke heaved, silently she wodnerd if thy were really siblings. Perhaps, they had been switched at birth nd her own brother was out there, somewhere. She just did not know. Bu then, she had come to

There is nothing more lovely than unity. Believe you me... Unity is King!!

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