21. Two Dying Misters

You see the thing is, you cannot really blame the one who is the god of war in this matter at all. Not that he is exactly spotless if you want to consider but then, put yourself in his shoes. If you were an Orisha and your devout followers, the one who would bring things your way, in terms of adoration and what not came to you and asked your help, would it not be unfair to their devotion for you not to consider to help them?


So, if there is really anyone to blame in all of this matter, then it would be the humans who had refused to allow their envy to diffuse. Rather than that, they had taken it to the core and allowed it to dictate the way things would go for them. And who else would be the unlucky victim of this whole setup, other than Laaroey, our innocent and ambitious craftsman?

When Laaroye entreated the hand of the goddess in sleeping peacefully in a strange land, Oya did listen and knew about it. But then again, the Orishas are Aspectual Guardians and whi

You know that moment when you and your guy/ team ahs tried everything possible but it does not work out? And instead of you making a fuss, you jsut get a bottle of beer and sit down and just discuss or mull over it? EXACTLY! Except that these ones dont have any beer to drink. Lol I dont even know what is in store for Bayo. I already miss him but he needs to give the others the spotlight, okay? sighs!

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