26. The Missing Memory

However, hearing the hatred that had been well hidden behind all that action would have been enough to get him riled up then. But now, it was just one of those things. 

Another testament to how far he had grown. 

And boy, was he proud of himself. 

Not that it mattered, he would die in no little time. However, he was happy, inwardly, that he had grown to this point. And so, he dismissed the thought, not allowing it to take place in his heart because what use was there if he knew about it and then died without really enjoying it? 

“I so wanted you out… That is why I did probe your soul but then after that warning I had nothing more. It was like it was all hidden from me. I did not want to talk about it because you did not mention it to me.”  Yasmin said. 

“I am glad that I did not, you know. It would have been real stupid of me telling my one personal enemy the secrets things that I…” 

“You don’t even r


Whoever said i was dong this for you? I love his guts. Way to go, Bayo. get strong enough to beat this guy out

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