75. Apata Orisha II

Also, the stone has its sealing to be done in forms of Chains. The higher the chain, the higher the power level of the Masquerades concerned. Which is certainly more than enough considering how powerful Masquerades are, at their basest of forms in the first place.

And it's activation, is by sheer willpower. Nothing more, nothing less.

By now, it should be not a surprise no more about how the working of the Apata Orisha works. Neither should it be amusing about the Class of strength these nigh divine beings contain in themselves, should it?

A Masquerade in the truest form of it's power is ranked at the Demi God Class. Or at the Prime class with power mastery over a particular law. 

Or at least to an extent whereby their power cannot be ignored. No, not by the slightest means.

Now, imagine the Chief of the Toen of Fair Weather having to have a portion of the power of each Masquerade sealed. 

And to think that the Masquerades sealed would all have a

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