77. Seal of the Spirit Stone

And the last pillar with seven chains, that one simply gave way. Shattering to bits but not before each of the Seven Chains were broken with a forceful eruption of concusion winds. 

Gasping to breath at this point, realization, the man immediately jumps to his feet now. As he did that, the people who had begun to gather around him in a panicky circle immediately give space allowance to him. 

“Chief Bamiro! The masquerade of the seven chains has escaped her hold!” One of them spoke, he had a head band of blue on his face. 

“You think I don't know that?” the middle aged man who turned out to be the Cheif of the town fired back, spite in his tone.

Since the beginning of the festival now, he had has a forebroding feeling that things may not be the same afterwards. He had wanted to call it off but then he was only a Chief. And as a Chief, full power never really was his. 

He had a council of Elders with whom he was to consult with and the then derive jo

Longer chapters are becoming... Because you should enjoy fight scenes for full lengths.i hope you won't mind. Hehe he... Finally, the power of the Apata Orisha unleashed

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