It was a week to Prom and Eden had not been asked to the prom yet and neither had Asher.

Well, his case was different he had been asked but just he didn't feel like going with the rude and obnoxious females who asked him.

It was kike some sorry of competition amongst them to see who he would choose to go with.

"Man Lerish asked you to prom and you refused? Men something has got to be wrong with you" his friends scolded as the popular cheerleader asked him to the dance but he rejected her proposal.

"Because I have someone in mind already and y'all would see her" he replied and continued with his lunch.

Asher had always been close to his mother, and her advice had never steered him wrong. So when she suggested he do something special for Eden, he knew he had to follow through. With the dance before their graduation just around the corner, Asher started planning how he could make it a night to remember for Eden.

Despite the teasing and bullying she had endured from other kids at school,
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