Since Teddy had requested for the couple to come down home and had exactly had time to go meet up with him. because of their busy schedules.

Seeing that he had been diagnosed and might just end up dying without having to apologise Teddy resolved to write a letter to the Ashtons.

He had been treated badly as he was in the prison cell.

He had been raped and molested by his fellow inmates who knew him to be a drug lord and also whom he had annoyed at a point.

Teddy had developed Pile and now he was diagnosed with colon cancer and was about to die but his conscience wouldn't let him he had to apologise to those his actions had hurt.

Emilie had listed him and made him understand that she was out to make his life a miserable hell even though she was pardoned.

Emilie had also not forgotten to let him know that she had plans of ruining Ryans's life still as she still had more of a grudge and had him in mind.

Teddy wanted to do what was right when it meant doing it for the last time before his
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