The End

"She has been apprehended and the court hearing would happen sooner than you think," Ryan's lawyer told him.

Emilie had been caught trying to sign fraudulent documents under the guise of having a partnership with Ryan.

The terms of the contract didn't make sense to him hence the reason why Ryan had alerted the security and when She was arrested she kept saying what he owned was supposed to be hers too.

Turns out that on Aria's wedding day, Emilie had followed the kids right up to their honeymoon suite but the security was super tight she couldn't harm anyone so she left and came back when it was time for Asher's private wedding and stj no entrance was given to her so she tried to go through his assistant at work she had insisted Ruan signed fhs papers because they were important for some partnership since Ryan was using her company models for his products.

Fortunately, Ruan was one to be meticulous and precise with the documents he went through and discovered some loopholes whi
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