5. Finding Her

She made steps forward and passed through the officers who stood at the doorway to stand at the front line.

Most never saw her, so they watched her with frowns, wondering what a kid doing at the crime scene.

She didn't pay heed, and her eyes fixed at the empty bed, realizing the serious fact that Lijun wasn't here.

Beside the bed were a doctor and a middle-aged woman who could still be called beautiful. She had short hair at ear level, with some strands covering half her face.

She looked intimidating with her chilling aura. Hanae recognized her as a detective sent to retrieve Lijun. She had all the details, so she didn’t want to get on her bad side.

Their eyes met, and subconsciously, Hanae flinched. She maintained her demeanour and asked

"Where is Rochelle?"

The officer titled her head a little. As if trying to garsp who she was.

Hanae, seeing she wouldn't get her answers  she turned and left the room.

Soon, she reached the parking lot and stood before her car. She wanted to open the door, but her hand halted and slowly lowered. She was too frustrated. Lijun had disappeared, and now everyone saw her as a criminal.

"I am going to find her before anyone else," she swore to herself.

"You need help?" she heard a voice behind her speaking Chinese. Having lived in Vegas for about six years, she had become accustomed to English. So hearing a non-native speaker, she turned immediately.

Behind her stood a cute man with his small face and kinda of slim. His lips had a subtle smile, and for some reason, she was annoyed.

She recognized the man as one of those who came for Lijun. His name Chen kai. Now he seemed silly but not enough to fool Hanae, who had all his information.

Ignoring him, she opened the car door.

"I have asked you if you needed help with your sister... " He asked her in English, but his accent too strong in his tongue.

He coughed and took his budge "I am a police officer..."

Ignoring him, she climbed in a car and left.

"Hey... what a brat!"

A short distance away, another man who had been observing the scene approached. He was young, with striking looks and a well-built physique.

He stared at the car disappearing from the sight and scoffed

"If she needed a hand? You wanted her hand. Who thought she was smart enough to realize"

Kai frowned. "You’re stalking me now?"

"Not stalk... for a face sake use your language"

"Do you think you are better than me?!"

"Oh, come on. I know you’re just here for a visit, but you really need to focus on your job. Otherwise, you'll be the one complaining when Team A loses."

He talked in a fluent English, sliding every word that he left his fellow perplexed. "Ruwen  you bustard! Did you just curse our team?"

Even if they came for the same mission, to them were still rivals from different teams.

Ruwen sighed and shook his head.

Later, the three of them—Kai, Ruwen, and their Chief—arrived at the scene where Lijun’s trail lost.

Ruwen got out of the car, surveyed the area, and inspected the situation. The scene was filled with officers and forensic professionals. Other than a car with a broken door and burst tires, there was nothing noteworthy.

The area was still in construction so there wasn't even a camera.

As he moved his eyes around, he spotted a woman with short hair leaning on a car as she smoked.

His brow raised, wondering who she was. Everyone else was busy, but she seemed the only one relaxed with her cigar.

She exhaled a heavy puff of smoke while typing on her phone.

"Sergeant..." A male officer called approaching her "The results of the blood samples are out" he said as he gave some papers.

Ruwen brows raised further because if she was the sergeant, then she was Rochelle who abandoned them at the airport.

She was supposed to take them and she informed them she would soon be there however she left them waiting till they left alone.

She gave the impression that she looked down on them and wanted to humiliate them.  So looking at her, Ruwen brow knitted a little.

Rochelle didn't bother to take the results and casually replied "I know"

The officer was little taken aback because the results had came out just now

"Wrap everything"

She didn't reach anywhere when someone stood before her offering a hand.

Ruwen let a deep sigh seeing Kai one step ahead, trying to make a first impression. Ruwen turned to his chief beside him because she would be the one more embarrassed.

Seeing her stern face more contracted he took a breath. "A bad day hah. Kai, can't you let a day pass without her threats"

Rochelle raised her brow then relaxed when she recognized them. Right, she left them at the airport when she got an important client.

She lowered her eyes to his hand and accepted.

"I am Detective Chen, can call me Kai"

"Rochelle. I am sorry, I am in a rush somewhere we will talk when we meet another time" Saying that she walked past him

Kai watched her with knitted brow "How can a rude bustard have a rank. tks look at how she walk like a man. I bet was because of her looks that..."

"Stop cursing her, you already irritated our chief enough" Ruwen sternly said to him after he approached

Kai threw a glance to his chief and immediately averted his gaze.

At the same time, an astonishing sport car parked nearby and caught all the attentions on how astonishing it looked.

The door opened, and chunky heels landed on the ground then a stunning woman with blonde hair wearing short pants stepped out followed a man with extra fat carried a huge camera.

She was a reporter. She looked around then turned to her cameraman "At leat she fled now we have a topic to focus.I heard she was a stone throw to death and still she ran. She really do wonders, and I hope she do more. Follow me "

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