6. Who To Trust

When Lijun opened her eyes, all she saw was darkness. The eerie silence sent shivers down her spine, especially by the fact that her hands and feet were bound to the chair she was sitting in.

She recalled the last time she was with the so called nurse who tried to help her escape. They didn't reach anywhere and were attacked... her gunshot wound.... the mask man with blue eyes...

'Crap! Don't tell me I am kidnapped? I shouldn't have left the hospital! All that bitch faults!'

She stopped her blames when she sensed steps approaching the room. When they drew nearer, the torch lightened up and she had to close her eyes from sudden light exposure. When she adjusted, she slowly opened them.

She moved her eyelids towards the person.

He was a young man in his early twenty. He had amazing looks with his long auburn hair, but what made her froze were his stunning blue eyes. She had no doubt was the one responsible of her situation.

He approached her with darkened expression, and without understanding the reason his fist landed heavily at her face.

The intense pain burnt her cheek as if he put everything on it. She didn't get to ask and he kept throwing fist after fist which she barely endured and wished to tell him to stop but his eyes said all, he curved to destroy her as he did.

The time he let go of her, his fist turned red and blood dripped on the floor. She fell with her chair and she remained groaning with pain.

She wished to cry but tears failed her so instead she laughed like a madwoman

"You son of b*tch ...!"

"Celine was only 18" He started the man with a voice seething with anger "She must be scared wherevershe is. Where is she?"

He rushed towards her and grabbed her hair yanking her. "I planned to kill you by my hands If I fail to get anything from you. Where is Celine?!" He yelled

She breathed with difficulty and the moment she was about to loose he threw her aside. Her body too tired to stand so she remained on the floor.

He made steps to stand closer and crouched. She wouldn't have any answers to whatever he might ask her so tears rolled from her eyes.

"I don't know what happened to me. I'm sorry I can't give you the answers you want. I don't even remember myself..."

He watched her for a moment, then reached out and touched her face. Lijun flinched in surprise but remained still, letting him do what he wanted.

He wiped away her tears and said, "I’m not the same person you met four months ago. That naive fool who misjudged people and ruined his family for trusting you" The darkness in his eyes deepened. "Don’t waste your false tears on me, Riley!"

Her eyes widened a little. Seemed a boy wasn't a normal avenger as she thought. He even called her by the other name. What kind of relationship they had? But for the way he mangled her... for now, she was his hate and rage. Right, she kidnapped his sister, how couldn't he?

She stopped crying and sighed. "I don't have what you wish. You want to kill me? Sure go ahead, I was meant to have died anyway"

"You have no idea what you are asking!"

His men dragged her outside. She moved her eyes to grasp where she was and she met the dark sky. In short, she wasn't in a house or any sort of building instead... Was a luxury boat middle of the sea.

Now she wasn't sure if she was still in the same city.

At the deck were five mascular men nonchalant watched her being dragged while still on her chair her face covered with blood.

When she was dropped on the ground, she moved her eyes to the guy who called himself Celine's brother.  His veins on his forehead  warned on anything she would do or say.

Reaching closer he asked once again "Where is she?"

Lijun let out a deep breath and nonchalantly said "You shouldn't be asking that. What I want? Isn't this a right phrase?"

A dark look crossed his face. She could tell he didn't find her a threat because she was a cripple.

"She’s at least alive, if that’s what you’re worried about," she said confidently, her eyes narrowing. "But to be honest, I can’t guarantee how long that will last."

His patience ran low his hand moved and gripped her neck to the edge of the deck and hang her head to face the water.

She felt the cold breeze and her heart pounded wildly. The guy was a monster! He wouldn't hesitate to kill her. His eyes with madness and lethal intent that no one dared to approach him.

"Gian, don't forget that officer warning, we shouldn't kill her" one of his buddies reminded

Lijun ears didn't miss those words. But what did they meant? An officer helped them get her and warned with conditions. Who was he? And what he would get in return?

"What you were saying" he asked as he pressed her more toward the water

Her mind was elsewhere. She recalled Natalie, as things had worsened, she had cursed the officer. She had noticed the detail before but hadn’t understood its significance until now. She connected the dots.

One thing was clear, she couldn’t trust anyone. If she wanted the truth, she would have to find it herself.

A smile curled on her lips. His brows furrowed, and in that moment, Lijun seized his hands after she freed herself without them realizing. His eyes widened in shock as she held on tightly, using her weight to pull him towards the water.

Realizing her intention, he tried to wrench his hands free, but it increasing the pressure and pushed her toward the water.

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