7. A Murderer

When she jumped into the lake, she wasn't sure she would survive. She just wanted to choose her own death rather than face those men.

Before she left, she wanted to give the boy a little hard time, and the reason she threatened to drag him along with her.

But most of all, she wanted to escape the world. They should think she died to give her a break.

Opening her eyes to find herself not in the water, her thoughts immediately returned to Celine's brother. She jolted upright.

For some reason, that guy had become one of her nightmares. She hoped she wouldn't encounter him soon.

'Celine, Celine... thanks am having a good time'

She glanced at the tranquil water and at the horizon, the sun was arising. "Where ... the hell am I?"

She looked around to get her surroundings, but all she saw were bushes and no signs of human habitation.

She watched her legs and uneasy feelings settled in her mind. Everything went according to her plans, the place was good for her to hide, but with her defectives? She could barely protect herself.

When she shifted her gaze to the left, her eyes widened, not trying to believe the sight before her.

Beside her, not too far away, was a silhouette. She tried to deny it, but the voice in her head grew louder with each passing second—this person was Celine's brother.

She remembered that she hadn't pushed him into the water. Had his friends turned against him? Why was he here?

She crawled over to him and checked for a pulse on her neck. She felt his heartbeat, he was alive.

To avoid unnecessary troubles, Immediately, she picked up a nearby stone and raised it to strike him, but she froze.

'What am I doing?'

She was surprised at how easy the thought of killing had become. Not only that, she was ready to burst his head without hesitation. She sat down.

Was she a murderer?

There were several times she had contemplated killing someone when she looked for a way to help herself.

She took a deep breath and tried to stand up. Her legs lacked strength so she failed. Frustrated and angry, she pounded the ground with her fist.

'I am weak!' She admitted.

Then she turned to the boy and thought that his presence might not be a bad idea. Besides, he seemed to know more about her than she knew about herself.

She approached him and began searching him. She found a small knife and a wallet with some credit cards. She was slightly disappointed that there were no cigars.

Was a time to bring him back to reality. She raised her hand and landed on his face.

He woke abruptly and started coughing uncontrollably. Once he caught his breath, he looked around with quickened breathing.

"I should be thankful you're here, right?"

He heard a cold but calm voice. Startled, he looked behind him but was met with something cold but sharp to his neck.

He froze, without getting a chance to see her face but he had a good idea who she was.

"What should I think of your presence here?"

She talked closer to him that he could feel her breath adding chills to him.

His forehead wrinkled as he felt blood oozing from the cut. He knew Lijun well enough not to act impulsively, given that she wasn’t restrained.

"You didn’t deserve to die..." he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh. I don’t think I deserve to live either."

The corner of her eye noticed Gian grabbed a stone then he moved to hit her on her head as he turned. Lijun acted quickly, grabbed his wrist, and slammed his hand on the ground.

His teeth grinded and he pushed Lijun. She didn't wait for that, and she rolled aside.

Now they faced each other,

"Had Celine went the same thing? You threatened her?"

"Unfortunately, no, she was obedient than a puppy."

Saying those words Gian flared with anger "You bitch!"

He raised his fist to hit her but without hesitation she scratched his upper arm twice and quickly.

Her holding a knife was something to be afraid of however the boy ignored the pain and threw another fist as he raised on his feet.

Effortlessly she avoided but now, she was at a disadvantage. Her legs could only manage a kneeling for a couple of seconds.

"You can defeat me," Lijun said matter-of-fact, "But you'll die from bleeding out"

He could beat her, but with the knife in her hands, he wouldn't be safe either.

She lowered her knife. "I don’t remember dragging you with me, even if I wanted to. Why are you here?"

He shot her a hateful look.

Lijun's memory became clear: when she jumped, he had followed. In the water, he had helped her remove the ropes from the chair.

"Why did you try to save me? Actually, I should be asking… what was your relationship with me?"

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