Everyone is born into this world with the goal of finding happiness, and everyone lives with the aim of finding even greater happiness; that’s what my mom used to tell me when I was little. But ever since my parents and siblings died in a car explosion when I was about 6 years old, all my happiness was taken away from me, and my life has been a complete nightmare ever since.
My name is Trevor Martins; I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, but ever since my parents died, I was taken in by my aunt and uncle, they have both tormented me all my life. My dream in life was to become an architect, but all that died a long time ago because I was not able to get into any college. I work a 9-to-5 job at McDonald’s. I was also not able to make any friends because no one has ever been attracted to me or even wanted to come close to me, mostly because I am poor and unkempt. I think that is all there is to know about me for now.
It was nighttime, the dim blue light coming from the moon illuminated the entire city. I was standing on the rooftop of my apartment building; the building was a long skyscraper that was about twenty stories high. I walked up to the edge of the rooftop and gazed down the building as the cold breeze blew through my hair and clothes. I wanted to commit suicide; my life has been hell these past few weeks, and I couldn’t take it anymore. Killing myself seems like the easiest way for me to finally be free from all my pains, and maybe I will be happy when I am dead.
"It’s time for me to die," I mumbled, stretching my left leg over the edge of the building. I raised my other leg and jumped off the building as I closed my eyes and hoped for death.
But before I could realize what was happening, I stopped falling. I didn’t know if I was dead or if this is what the afterlife feels like, but I was still conscious. I opened my eyes, and as I gazed at what was in front of me, I saw horns, red pointy horns that looked like they were as sharp as the tip of a sword.
I shifted my gaze and looked at what the horns were attached to. I saw a man-like creature that was busy carrying me in his arms, his skin was dark red, his eyes were as red as blood, and he had huge black wings that looked like those of a bat.
From his appearance, he looked like a demon that came right out of a movie. Does this mean that demons exist? And if so, why is he carrying me? Or am I dead and currently in hell?
Suddenly the demon gazed down at me and looked into my eyes.
"Oh, you are awake, I am glad I made it in time," he said in a deep, raspy voice. His voice sent shivers down my spine; I cannot believe that demons exist, and he could also speak English.
"In time? What do you mean?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow. I was confused as to what was going on.
"I caught you before you hit the ground; if not, you would have been dead by now," he answered, still staring at me as he flapped his bat-like wings.
"Are you saying that I am still alive?" I asked in a confused tone. Because I know I jumped, I thought I was already dead. I thought this was hell.
"That’s right, take a look down there," he answered as he took me over to a glass window on the side of a building. It was the apartment building from which I jumped off the rooftop.
I looked at my reflection in the glass window and saw that I was floating in midair, and I didn’t see any sign of the demon carrying me.
"Why is your reflection not showing on the window?" I asked in a low tone.
"That’s because I am a demon, and no human can see me not even the objects in the human world can see me. You are the only one that can see me right now," he answered bluntly. What the hell? He is a demon; which means that demons exist.
"Why did you stop me from ending my life?" I asked in a low tone as I gazed down at the ground of the city. Because I still don’t understand why he saved me from dying.
"No way, I couldn’t let you die, until I have fulfilled my mission," he answered swiftly. What mission is he talking about? And what does that have to do with me? I couldn’t help but wonder. He was still holding me in his arms like a baby, and we were both still floating in the air.
"I am aware you don’t have anything to live for; you lost your entire family when you were only 6 years old, and soon after that, your aunt and uncle took you in and that moment marked the beginning of your life of pain and suffering." He narrated. My eyes opened wide in shock as I stared at him. How did he know about my past and what I had been through? Has he been monitoring my life?
"I know everything about you," he said in a calm tone. And truly, he did know everything about me; it was like he was living inside of me or something.
"But still, there is no hope for me to live anymore; just let me die," I replied in a rumbling tone.
"No, there is hope; that is why I am here. I am a special ranking demon," he said boldly. Suddenly, he flew with speed and took me over to the rooftop of my apartment building, and dropped me on the floor aggressively, my back hit the ground. I quickly stood up, cleaned myself, and looked at him.
I was still in awe at what I was experiencing. I never imagined that demons existed. He was quite tall, and his entire body radiated a bright red light, almost like an aura. For some reason, I am not scared of him; maybe it’s because I don’t believe this is all real.
"Trevor, I am offering you a chance to live with freedom and hope; you can have whatever you want, Love, money, whatever you want," the demon said, staring at me.
"Those are empty promises, and besides, why would I trust a demon?" I inquired in a low tone. I feared asking him that question, but at this point, I don’t even care what happens again.
"Firstly, I just saved your life," he answered.
"Fair enough, tell me, how are you going to give me those things you are talking about, freedom, money, and love? Those things are vague concepts; they are not real." Is it even possible for him to give me any of those things?
He then flew up into the sky and came back to where I was standing.
"Look at my wings, Trevor; these wings can fly faster than a human eye can follow, and they can take you anywhere, that’s freedom," he explained with his gaze fixed on me. What is he busy talking about?
"And then there is the matter of love," he said as he raised his right hand. A red arrow-like structure came out of his hand; just by looking at the arrow, it looked like a red diamond of some sort and was glowing.
"This arrow you see in my hand is called a demon arrow and you can trust me, any man or woman who is struck by this arrow will fall deeply in love with you isn’t that great?" he explained as he hold the red glowing arrow in the air.
"So, choose: either these wings or this arrow encapsulate the hope that I can give you. So, which one?" He inquired as he approached me. I lowered my head from his gaze.
Neither one of those things exists. That means I can’t choose either one of them.
I raised my head and looked at him. "I can’t choose between those two; why don’t you just give me both of them?" I asked in a low tone. If all the things he is talking about are true, I think I should just go along with what he told me.
"Huh?" he muttered.
"Okay, then I will give you everything," he replied with an evil smile across his lips.
"I thought you said I should choose between the both of them?" I asked with my eyes wide open.
"Yes, I only phrased it that way because it is tradition; you will get both," he answered bluntly.
The next thing I know, he raised both his hands and reached for his horns, he removed the red glowing light from the horns and placed it on my head.
"What are the horns supposed to do?" I asked in shock as I looked at the horns on my head.
"The wings sprout from the left horn while the arrow sprouts from the right horn," he answered.
"One more thing, those horns can’t be removed," he added.
I started wondering if these horns are going to be stuck on my head, what would everyone think if they see it? I can’t walk around carrying these horns on my head.
"Can you take these horns off my head, I can’t wear these things around people, I will look crazy," I complained as I folded my hands together and begged him.
"You don’t have to worry, nobody can see those horns on your head, except other people with demons," he replied in a calm tone.
"What? Other people with demons? So, there are more of you around? How many?" I asked, raising a curious eyebrow.
"Oh, a few, just until the new devil king has been chosen," he answered.
"Devil king?"
"Yes, the great Devil king Lucifer is about to retire and wants to choose his new successor, but we will talk about that later," Wait is he saying that Lucifer also exists? And he wants to choose a new ruler? Multiple thoughts ran through my head.
"Why don’t we give your new horns a test?" He asked as he flapped his wings and flew over to my back and stood in the air just above my head.
"Hold on, I still don’t understand any of these conc….." He cut me off.
"Learning how to fly is not that hard," he said with a smile across his lips.
"How do I go about using them?" I still can’t believe that all these supernatural beings exist.
"Just visualize the wings coming out of your back, that’s all" he answered.
"OK," I muttered. I closed my eyes and visualized the wings coming out, before I knew it, black bat-like wings sprouted out of my back and I could feel the weight of the wings on my back. I turned my head and looked at the wings.
"Wow!" I screamed. I never imagined the wings would come out.
"Yeah, nobody would be able to see them, and they can’t bump into anything," He assured.
"Now try flying with them," he said with a weird smile. I think the conception people have about demons is wrong, because the world made us believe that they are terrible creatures, but this demon sure smile a lot.
"It’s easier said than done, I don’t think I can fly with the wings," I replied. What the heck am I supposed to do? I lowered my gaze, suddenly the wings started flapping and before I knew it I was floating in the air.
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That was when I realized that controlling the wings was not hard; I just needed to visualize moving them. I used my imagination to flap them very hard and go further up into the sky. I started moving in circles; I couldn’t keep my balance in the air. As I turned to look at my side, I saw the demon flying next to me."Do you think you can control it?" He asked, staring at me as we both continued flying."Yes, I think so," I responded as I focused my gaze up ahead. The cold breeze blew through my hair as I flew further into the sky.After a couple of minutes of flying and learning how to fly,We were back on the rooftop of my apartment building. The demon and I were both sitting on the ground next to each other."Since you are faster than the human eyes now, you can steal anything you want. You can be as rich as you want to be, and the arrow is amazing too," The demon explained. Stealing? I don’t think I could steal from other people; I am not the type of person to do that type of thing
"Aunty, I want to ask you somet….." She cut me off. "Yeah, spill it and get out of my face already," she complained as she was busy scrolling on her cellphone. I pressed my lips tightly together. Who the hell does she think she is? "What do you want to say already?!" She yelled as she stood up from the couch. I then raised my hand and stretched it towards her. I tried imagining bringing out the red arrow from my palms; in a split second, the arrow came out of my hand. "Hey, why are you pointing your hand at me? What the hell do you think you are doing?" She asked with her eyebrows twisted together. I quickly shot her in the chest with the red arrow, before she could say another word. Before I knew it, my aunt fell backwards and landed on the couch behind her, it was like the arrow hit her in the chest physically. "You did it, now she is going to do anything you tell her," Mordecai said from behind the couch. "You mean, that is all it takes for me to control someone?" I inquire
“The both of you deserve capital punishment, you guys should just die!” I screamed as I stood up from the floor with tears still rushing down my cheeks. My aunt stood up from the floor and grabbed a knife from the center table in the middle of the living room. “If killing myself is going to make you happy, I am going to do it,” she said in a cold tone. Before I knew what was happening, my aunt stabbed herself on the neck, blood started pumping out of her neck and filled the entire floor, a few seconds she fell flat on the floor. Mordecai flew over to where I was standing and stood next to me. “Why did she do that to herself?!” I yelled as I stared at my aunt’s lifeless body on the floor with my eyes wide open and my mouth hanging loosely. “You were very clear, you told her to die,” Mordecai said. “Wait do you mean the red arrow can compel people to do that?” I inquired as I turned and looked at Mordecai. He started explaining to me that once the arrow makes anyone fall deeply i
Hearing all he just explained, I then realize that I have started down a destination that I can’t even imagine, the path I am on right now is an outrageous one. I didn’t ask to be chosen as a devil king candidate, plus why me? I finally decided to live and pursue happiness, but now 20 devil king candidates? What is it going to take to be chosen as the new devil king and am I ready for all this? “So, you are telling me that there are 20 candidates and one of them will become the new devil king?” I questioned in a soft tone. “Yes, that’s right,” “Well, I guess I believe you, I can’t deny that there is a demon hovering beside me,” “But, what if I don’t want to be the new devil king? Because I never signed up for all of this, all this is too much for me to take in,” I stated in a low tone. “Listen, if someone else ends up becoming the devil king, your wings and arrows will be taken away from you, but if you become the devil king, you get to use them all you want. So, you should do it
“This comedian Mr. Rodriguez is using the red arrow to make those women fall for him one after another, but it will only last for thirty-three days,” someone like Mr. Rodriguez using the arrow this way, would he ever be chosen to become the devil king? I then asked Mordecai what I just thought about. “Of course, any of the candidates can be chosen to be the new devil king, no matter how they use their powers,” he responded. Well, that confirms my question anyway, besides it’s the devil after all, I guess anything goes, someone like the devil would not care about bad things. ******************** The following morning, I was walking down the hallway of Harvard University, I just applied to study architecture, at least now that I have money, I can make one of my life long dreams come true. As I was walking, a loud beeping sound came from my cellphone inside my pocket, I took out my cellphone and looked at what the notification was. It was a news notification, I opened it. I saw t
As soon as the police officers standing in front of the mall saw him, they all readied their guns and pointed it at the mysterious robotic man. “Who are you?! Put your hands where we could see them!” One of the police officers screamed from the crowd. “Don’t shoot, I am not your enemy!” The robotic man yelled as he turned and faced the policemen. His voice sounded like a robotic voice. The female reporter started reporting the description of the robotic man to the viewers. A couple of people standing close to me started pointing at the robotic man on the billboard. “Isn’t that Burnaman?” One of the men standing in the crowd next to me asked. “Yeah, the television show last season,” another guy responded. It seems the guy is popular. I shifted my gaze and focused back on the billboard. To my greatest surprise, I saw demon wings coming right out of the back of the robotic man. “Wait a minute, are those demon wings?” I turned around and looked at Mordecai with my eyes wide open,
“Yes, I don’t need them anymore, take them back,” I responded swiftly.“That’s not only the problem, if you return your wings and arrows, you will die,” he said in a calm tone. I got up from the bed and gazed at him with my eyes wide open.“What?!” I questioned.“Yes, if you were to throw them away, you will be throwing your life away,” he responded in a calm tone. He continued explaining to me that the only reason I am alive is because I accepted the wings and arrows as a devil king candidate. After a few moments.“I see,” I muttered as I wrapped my arms around my legs and folded myself inside my bed. I guess I can’t run away from being a devil candidate. But I don’t want to end up like that comedian Rodriguez, Burnaman is ready to kill all the devil candidates to become the devil king.“Trevor, I don’t understand human emotions that well, but I think you must be scared of Burnaman, if that’s the case, why don’t you stay inside your apartment for a while?” Mordecai asked as he flew c
, right after the entrance ceremony," she said in a low tone."Alright," I brought out my wings and flew up into the sky."I will meet you there!" I screamed as I flew away into the sky.As I was flying at lightning speed into the sky, I kept thinking of the immense love I have for Brianna. AUTHOR’S POVBack at the college ground where Brianna and her demon were standing, She and her demon were busy gazing at Trevor’s trail in the sky as he flew away."I can’t help but wonder what that guy’s demon is up to. He is nowhere to be seen next to him," Brianna’s demon said as he floated above Brianna’s head.The demon turned around and gazed at Brianna."Well, it does make it more convenient for us," the demon said. Brianna didn’t react to what he said. **********************Trevor landed on Brianna’s balcony. He put his wings away and walked into Brianna’s room. He looked around the room. The room looked like that of a little girl; the carpets were pink with white stripes, the cabinets c
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"Yeah, you do need answers," Lucifer said softly.**********The following morning,Trevor arrived in front of Ezekiel’s apartment door. This is it, he gulped as he pushed the doorbell at the side of the door. He had called Ezekiel and told him that he wanted to come over and visit him, which Ezekiel agreed to.Suddenly, Ezekiel opened the front door with a bright smile. "Trevor! It’s you; welcome to my apartment," Ezekiel shook his hand."Come on in," Ezekiel said as he turned around and attempted to walk inside.Seeing that he had turned around, Trevor saw it as the perfect opportunity to grab Ezekiel. He swiftly walked closer to him as he wrapped his arm around Ezekiel’s neck as he held him tightly, and they both fell to the ground with Trevor still holding him tightly."What is wrong with you?! Why are you holding me?" Ezekiel asked under his breath; he couldn’t speak properly."I know who you are, Ezekiel, you are an angel of a special ranking, and you have been the one behind al
"What happened, babe? Why is your face like that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow."It’s nothing," he responded softly."Did something happen during your walk?" She inquired."Nothing happened; I need some alone time for now, babe," he responded as he stood and walked towards the balcony.With his reaction, Brianna could tell that something was bothering him, but she didn’t want to add to his worries, so she stood up and went into the bedroom.Trevor arrived at the balcony; he placed his hand on the iron bar as he gazed in front of him as the cold breeze blew through his hair.So all this while Ezekiel got close to me, he was an angel, and judging from the amount of haloes on his head, he is a special-rank angel. How was he able to hide his wings and halo from me? I mean I saw Jordan’s halos all the time and also saw Uriel’s halo, but why didn’t I see his own or get a clue that he was an angel? Trevor wondered."He probably has a special power that can make him hide his powers from oth
“Oh my, after everything that happened to you, you let the restaurant get away with what happened, you would have gotten damage control for what they have done to you,” Ezekiel said in a surprised tone.“I know that, but I don’t want to get any money from them or try to make things difficult for them. What has happened has happened and it is now in the past,” he replied.Wow, it seems Duke is now out of prison and Trevor doesn’t want to pursue any legal actions against him or the restaurant. It’s either he has a kind heart or he is just stupid. But either way, everything worked together for my good, he thought.“I feel you on that. You know something, you are a very kind-hearted person, if another person were to be in your position, they wouldn’t have let this all go that easily,” Ezekiel said.“Yeah, but I am me and I will handle the situation however I want,” he replied.Why is Ezekiel saying all this? What’s his concern if I don’t want to pursue any legal actions on the incident? I
I can’t tell her the main reason I don’t want to press charges, if I do that, she is going to be worried, if she finds out that the waiter that poured me the water was actually under the influence of a red arrow, she’s not going to be able to rest, he thought.“Babe, I don’t want to do that because I don’t want to complicate the waiter of the restaurant’s life. The waiter might be going through a lot, and my face has already been scarred, suing them will just be unnecessary because it won’t take my face back to normal,” he explained softly.Brianna lowered her gaze as she sighed. “I get where you are coming from,” she muttered.**********Three days later,Trevor just got back home from the hospital after being discharged, he was sitting behind a desk that had a large mirror in front of it. He looked at his face in the mirror, as he touched the bandage on his face. Brianna was standing behind him.“The doctor said you can remove the bandage,” Brianna said in a soft tone.“I know, I’m
**********About three hours later in the hospital ward,Brianna was sitting on a chair at the side of Trevor’s hospital bed. She was holding his left hand while staring at him.“How did all this happen to you, babe?” She asked raising an eyebrow.“I don’t know but the police have arrested the waiter that poured the water on me, and they are currently investigating the accident to know whether it was intentional or not,” he answered.“OK, but I hate seeing you like this, how could something like this happen to you? It’s not fair,” she said in a shaky tone.“Don’t worry babe you don’t have to feel sad; I will be fine with time, everything is going to be fine,” he replied as he rubbed her hand.“You know Trevor, somehow this is your fault, if you hadn’t gone out on that lunch or had been cautious like I told you, this would not have happened to you,” Lucifer said calmly in Trevor’s mind.“Don’t blame me for this, I was cautious, and I never imagined that something like this would happen
"Alright then, I trust you. You will have to wait for me to text you; it might not be tomorrow or next week, but once I text you, just know that you will have to be ready," he said calmly."Of course, I will make sure that I am ready," Duke replied.This is good; I believe that Duke will get the job done, Ezekiel thought.***After Duke had left Ezekiel’s apartment, he went into his bedroom and sat down at the edge of his bed as he took out his cellphone and dialed Trevor’s number. Trevor answered the call."Hey, it’s been a while since I heard from you; how have you been?" Ezekiel asked softly."I have been great; things are good, and how about you? Have you properly understood the city yet?" Trevor inquired with a lot of excitement in his voice."Yes, I have; I have taken the time to explore a few places in the city, and I must say Los Angeles is great.""That’s good to hear," Trevor muttered."I would like to know if you would have the chance to grab lunch with me tomorrow." Ezekie
"It has not been easy, but the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that he had a child with Brianna before dying," Gabriel answered calmly, staring into Dalton’s eyes."Tell me, where is Brianna? She is one of the reasons I even came here today," Gabriel said.Dalton swiftly broke eye contact with him as he lowered his gaze. He didn’t know how he was supposed to tell him that Brianna had moved in with Trevor, the former person she almost married before leaving him for Jordan. Dalton didn't know how he was going to break the news to him, but he knew that even if he tried to avoid the question today, Gabriel would still find out the truth in the future, so he gathered the courage as he raised his head to look at Gabriel."Dalton, tell me, where is she?" Gabriel added."Brianna is currently staying with Trevor, her new boyfriend, and the person she plans on getting married to," Dalton answered."What! How could that be!" Gabriel yelled as he stood up from the couch with a huge frow
**********Meanwhile, in Ezekiel’s apartment, he was sitting behind his desktop computer at the side of his bed with headphones on his head. He was listening to Trevor and Brianna’s conversation. After finding out that Josh had been captured, he stood up and dropped the headphones.I can’t believe Josh was so stupid as to get caught; why can’t he just abandon the truck after selling the stuff inside? He must be a real fool for getting caught. One thing I know for sure is that he is not going to tell the police about me; the red arrow will make sure of that, he thought.He ambled over to his bed and laid down. At least Josh was able to carry out the task I gave him; he was able to sell the properties. It’s going to take a while before Brianna would be able to buy back all the things she has lost, thus she is currently very unhappy, and Trevor would also be sad seeing her unhappy. I will have to give them a few days to regroup before I come up with another plan, he thought.***********
Raymond was sitting behind a table in front of Josh in a dark room that had a white bulb above the table. Josh's hands were in handcuffs on the table, while Raymond’s hands were clasped together on the table. A police officer was standing at Raymond’s right side."First of all, I would like to know why you ran away with the truck in the first place? Didn’t you think of the consequences and that we were going to catch you?" Raymond asked calmly, staring into Josh’s eyes. Raymond has been an investigator for years, so he has seen all types of criminals and has even interrogated them. What he has learned over the years is that all criminals have an origin story.I thought I did everything that the angel told me right; I didn’t think that I was going to get caught this easily, and now this detective wants to know why I did everything, I can’t tell him the truth about why I did what I did; I won’t say anything about the angel; I will just have to come up with a lie, Josh thought."I ran aw