It was time for Credonia to put that behind and forge the way forward. It was still a win for the Chosen. Though they may not have delivered the final blow, they had still succeeded in making Credonia a better place. One was down and, their first mission a success. Be that as it may, one may think that, things got easier for the Chosen. After all, the moles were just exposing themselves for them to annihilate.
This is where they were wrong; moles exposing themselves for them to annihilate. With one mole on their wall of fame, the rest dug dipper into the ground. Far away from even the little penetrating sunlight. They no longer dug leaving lumps to mask any trail that the chosen could use. The Chosen, therefore, had no missions with the moles busy digging deep but, every cloud does have a silver lining. For all this while that these moles were busy digging, Credonia was running without a glitch.
As good as that sounded, the Chosen could not rest as long as they knew the moles were busy digging deep. They had to better their game and reach the moles whatever the cost. It was then time to up their game. Instead of waiting for the moles to leave trails for the Chosen to follow, they decided to till the ground deep. Deep and fast enough that the moles stood not a chance of survival. That meant, time for the Chosen to have another meeting had just come.
Surprises were not over yet. This time, it was not on the morning news but those of 7 p.m. in the evening. Once more, this news caught an extra attention. Not only to the Chosen but also to the People of Credonia in general. After the bulletin, just before the news, John was on the phone calling Joe. The first question was whether Joe had seen what was on the news bulletin. Once he confirmed having seen, they had nothing more to talk other than plan a meeting early the next morning.
Immediately after Joe hang up this call, he turned up the T.V. volume to hear more about the disaster. A few young men and women had been reported dead. University students were affected the most. Drug overdose was the cause of their death. Besides corruption, this was the greatest enemy of development in Credonia. Crystal clear, this enemy had just woken up with mayhem as its only agenda. Indeed, the clouds did have a silver lining but not for the Chosen.
As the Chosen, the only light at the end of the tunnel for Credonia to slay these demons, they surely had to do something about it. The following morning, Joe called his office as usual to notify his late arrival and to set things on motion in his absence. From home, he headed straight to the meeting area. Yet again, shortly after his arrival, they were ready to set another example.
Unlike the first mission, this was no easy one. It was a tough one and they had to treat it as such. They knew a big fish and one of the moles had to do with the drugs. This time, they needed to engage their agents fully if they were to succeed. With the Minister of Internal Security by their side, it was a bit of an easy task to accomplish. The police were instructed to use every resource they had. The media too was another tool they had to put into maximum use.
In fact, they did not depend so much on the police to deliver the culprits as much as the media. The police’s main agenda was to ensure that these hooligans were in manacles once they were found. With the Chosen, the agents, and the people of Credonia working together, they were ready to clean up the country. This was all they got. They were not privileged to have the Green Arrow’s list of the kingpins to go shaking them up but they did do their best.
They may not have seen the silver lining in the cloud but still, they were the Chosen. One thing they knew for sure was, the drug wave was to keep them busy for a while. Long enough to give the villains time to plan worse or to go under water. They had to make sure not to allow this to happen at their watch. As their agents got busy, they got busy as well. Busy trying to figure out the kingpins in the shadows behind the drug wave.
A few days later, the agents in deed came up with a solution. Looking for drug dealers in a country full of people was like searching for water droplets in the ocean. They had to narrow the search for faster results. These villains were still at work and not ready to quiver or slow down. Drugs were still taking the lives of their youths. It is said that, it is always good to watch your back. The reason for this is because; the past can have sharp teeth at times. It comes back to bite and when it does bite; a Hyenas bite is less lethal.
The search for answers was first based on anybody that had a history of drug abuse. It could or could not offer much but at least it was a start. The next step was to go for those close to the victims of this fierce wave. Someone had to know something at least. Anything the Chosen could use to win this drug war was open for debate. At last, their efforts had started to bear fruits. A short while later, they managed to have a few behind bars in wait for their fate.
After days, weeks and months of searching, some results could be seen. The rate of petty crimes had gone down as well as deaths from overdose. It was time the Chosen and Credonia started to count their success. To the Chosen’s shock, after putting this success on scale, they got a different measure. This left them with the questions of who, why and how to answer. Time was not on their side as well. They did not have enough in custody not to mention, answers to the questions.
Moles will always be moles. They can pass beneath your feet and you never realize or notice a difference until they strike. As seemed, the Chosen was sent on a goose chase as the moles spread their territory. Among the many they had behind bars, only a hand full could be accounted for. This was the first block the Chosen hit on their road to success.
It is said that, insanity is doing the same thing in the same way repeatedly expecting different results. The Chosen was not ready to put themselves at this position. It is also good to give credit where it is deserved. The Chosen thought to be wise but this time, they had met their match. Back to the drawing board they had to go to brainstorm for new and better ideas. With just a few degrees short of their brains boiling point, John saved the day. No wonder he was the Minister for Internal Security and the Chosen’s overseer. He proved to have earned this position by merit and not luck or favor. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Another from the wise men.
It was time to pull the tree by the roots. The moles though, were very aware that the so called Chosen could not put faces to all those suspects that had slipped away. Doing this could be only compared to naming an army of ants as they crossed the road. The only solution was to beat the moles in their own game by playing it and owning it. The how this was to be done was the interesting part of it all. The only way to win against a fool is being one yourself.
This did not sound so good in the ears of the Chosen neither the agents. Nevertheless, desperate times calls for desperate measures. They were willing to be fools for the sake of Credonia. The things they did for their Country… This time, the media had to play their actual role. The rest of the groups were the fools that were to fool the other fools. The first trick was to let these fools hear what they wanted to hear. Other groups, the other fools, were to keep on with the goose chase. This time, they had to be complete morons and make it a merry-go-round goose chase.
Meanwhile, as they went round this merry chasing the goose, John was sharing the great secret with the Chosen. To cut to the chase of asking and answering questions on the options on how to remove a tree by the roots, they jumped right to the conclusion. Their desperation and shortage of time called them to deploying the Perfect Weapon, as John described and called it.
Indeed, John was prepared to take the Chosen through deploying this Perfect Weapon in the best and fastest way possible. First, they had to know what or who The Perfect Weapon was. Since their discovery of the moles sending them on a wild goose chase, John was not asleep. To prove this, he pulled out a huge file and placed it on the table. Before he opened the file to reveal the contents, he called it, The Perfect Weapon. Each one of them looked at each other wondering how the file was to be The Perfect Weapon and what could be inside. It was not long after and he got into answering their questions. He opened the file and took the first page. He placed it on the projector for all of them to see as he explained. In this page was the pictures of a few men. Some of these men the Chosen knew while others they knew nothing about. Those few that they knew happened to be top government officials. The rest that the Chosen knew nothing about, they had to let him tell them more about them. The
Their plan worked very well and the soldier rounded up his colleagues. At first, the veterans were nervous about the mission. More so, they worried about how they could do it without their jobs back. With John as the Minister for Internal Security, this was nothing they needed to worry about. He had organized everything and got them back on payroll. Besides the Chosen and these soldiers, only the president knew about this whole mission. Since it was top secret and off the record, the government could not pay them directly. Their pay was to come from the Chosen’s account. Having cleared the tension in the room, they were all on the same page. It was time to plan on how these soldiers would eliminate these giants. Sacrificing these traitors for sake of the country was worth it. So, the answer was simple, they had to die. What was not easy was how they were to die without raising eyebrows. The Chosen never wanted to attract attention to these soldiers or themselves. In the end, they had
Unlike other occasions where the path was always cleared in advance, that day had to be different. The last thing Joe and his men needed at Judas’ sendoff was seeking special attention to themselves. Besides, the men in suits had to have a taste of what they were paid to do. As they squeezed their way to the car, Joe brushed his shoulders with a young lady. His guys were ready to take a toll on her but he stopped them. Indeed, they were willing to do what they were paid for, properly without doubt. Joe saw no reason for them to add pain to an already painful day. After all, they had just reached Joe’s motorcade. Besides, she was too innocent to even harm a fly let alone a Credonia’s Cabinet Minister of Finance. Minutes later, Joe was cruising on the highway back to the capital city of Credonia. A place where dreams came true as they said. It was also the heart of Credonia. Though it was painful to loose Judas, it was in the past. They had to let go off it only retaining the memory and
He needed to feel good about himself. He laughed not because he knew what the word was but because he felt a winner solving the puzzles. After the brief moment, he went back to figure out what the name could mean. This one word was ‘Eden’. His mind was too tired at the time to think beyond the point. He needed to get home and relax first. He decided to not head for the office and detoured home. His mind had just had enough for one day. He may not have figured out what this Eden meant but he was positive. It was time he let someone in on it to help. This person was to be none other but his lovely wife. After a few hours with his son and having fun, he felt it was time to get back at it. Immediately after dinner, his son went to sleep and it was his better half and him alone. Before the name, he had missed her and needed to show her exactly that. After a while of play and very constructive fun, he had one for the climax. It was time for the word. He explained the whole witch-hunt to he
By the time I was turning back to try to save the game, it was too late for me. I did not lose my job though, no. I was forced to play this new game. This is what flipped everything and how my story began. Just a few years in power as the Cabinet Minister of Finance, it was time to renew my subscription. One day, as I was busy in my office working building the Nation, I got a call from one of the very few Cabinet Members we had initiated for office together. It was just a harmless call notifying me of a meeting I was to attend and later a ceremony. The meeting was scheduled for the afternoon of that day. Since I had a tight schedule for that afternoon, all I did was to request for postponement to evening. He kept me on hold for a while and then he confirmed the postponement. Still, nothing was out of place according to me. I just assumed that the meeting was very important for all involved to be present. What I never knew was that, that call was a mark for a beginning to the end but
Of course, she is a monster…and yes, she is our beloved! What do I mean? How do we love a monster let alone raising one? No! No! No! All the wrong questions. Let us take a step back and think. How long shall we bleed and suffer at the edge of our own sword? What anguish and the hell am I talking about, you ask. Well, let us take it from the top. Let us start with what we missed, or, what we choose to ignore. Who is a monster? Well, English and any other language will tell you that, it is an imaginary creature that is large, ugly and frightening. There it is, large, ugly and threatening. How does one start to fall for such traits? Even bitter is, we fell for it eons ago. We ignored and she got us questioning our intellect. She fed on growing big enough ridiculing the now little angel none values no more. The best way to win a battle is to have enemies fight themselves. It is also true that, the easiest way to lose one is by underestimating your enemy. The minute you have someone havin
“Joe Mzalendo. A name I got from my grandfather, customary to my commune. All I ever wanted was a good job after a degree from the University. I had scoured for quite some time without achievement. Most places, I could not meet the cut; despite my first class honors in Accounting and Finance. Experience was the qualification sought most, and which, I was short of. As it were, mine country Credonia, was not among those that had experience as part of the school curriculum, or, any other for that matter. Wondrously, I got a career I so much wished for and dreamt about, circadian. A senior accountant within the government. An event I categorized miraculous. Things never worked out akin to this in my country Credonia. Nothing was standing between my goals and me. Such a position was hard to come by, expressly, to a fresh University graduate. I swore to make all that was erroneous, veracious; and, to help as many persons as I could. Indeed, my grandfather envisioned the future. Mine name,
Shortly, just after he had finished reading the epistle, he got a call from his boss, whom apparently, he was replacing. He was summoned to the most powerful office in the chain of command to confirm the letter he had just received. It was in deed the best achievement of his life. With the excitement of the promotion, he matched into the office shoulders high and very confident. On the contrary, before, he used to walk into the office on his toes with doubts of his worthy of being in there. This day, he; even became afraid of his own self and developed self-respect to a level he never had for self before. Nothing feels better than catching the president’s eye and attention. Did he just say the president? Of course, he did. After knocking on the magnificently furnished oak door, inside, he went majestically. This day, he had no trouble with the secretary. She; even ushered him into the office, a thing she had left for her fingers in the past. She went ahead to do the knocking on his b
By the time I was turning back to try to save the game, it was too late for me. I did not lose my job though, no. I was forced to play this new game. This is what flipped everything and how my story began. Just a few years in power as the Cabinet Minister of Finance, it was time to renew my subscription. One day, as I was busy in my office working building the Nation, I got a call from one of the very few Cabinet Members we had initiated for office together. It was just a harmless call notifying me of a meeting I was to attend and later a ceremony. The meeting was scheduled for the afternoon of that day. Since I had a tight schedule for that afternoon, all I did was to request for postponement to evening. He kept me on hold for a while and then he confirmed the postponement. Still, nothing was out of place according to me. I just assumed that the meeting was very important for all involved to be present. What I never knew was that, that call was a mark for a beginning to the end but
He needed to feel good about himself. He laughed not because he knew what the word was but because he felt a winner solving the puzzles. After the brief moment, he went back to figure out what the name could mean. This one word was ‘Eden’. His mind was too tired at the time to think beyond the point. He needed to get home and relax first. He decided to not head for the office and detoured home. His mind had just had enough for one day. He may not have figured out what this Eden meant but he was positive. It was time he let someone in on it to help. This person was to be none other but his lovely wife. After a few hours with his son and having fun, he felt it was time to get back at it. Immediately after dinner, his son went to sleep and it was his better half and him alone. Before the name, he had missed her and needed to show her exactly that. After a while of play and very constructive fun, he had one for the climax. It was time for the word. He explained the whole witch-hunt to he
Unlike other occasions where the path was always cleared in advance, that day had to be different. The last thing Joe and his men needed at Judas’ sendoff was seeking special attention to themselves. Besides, the men in suits had to have a taste of what they were paid to do. As they squeezed their way to the car, Joe brushed his shoulders with a young lady. His guys were ready to take a toll on her but he stopped them. Indeed, they were willing to do what they were paid for, properly without doubt. Joe saw no reason for them to add pain to an already painful day. After all, they had just reached Joe’s motorcade. Besides, she was too innocent to even harm a fly let alone a Credonia’s Cabinet Minister of Finance. Minutes later, Joe was cruising on the highway back to the capital city of Credonia. A place where dreams came true as they said. It was also the heart of Credonia. Though it was painful to loose Judas, it was in the past. They had to let go off it only retaining the memory and
Their plan worked very well and the soldier rounded up his colleagues. At first, the veterans were nervous about the mission. More so, they worried about how they could do it without their jobs back. With John as the Minister for Internal Security, this was nothing they needed to worry about. He had organized everything and got them back on payroll. Besides the Chosen and these soldiers, only the president knew about this whole mission. Since it was top secret and off the record, the government could not pay them directly. Their pay was to come from the Chosen’s account. Having cleared the tension in the room, they were all on the same page. It was time to plan on how these soldiers would eliminate these giants. Sacrificing these traitors for sake of the country was worth it. So, the answer was simple, they had to die. What was not easy was how they were to die without raising eyebrows. The Chosen never wanted to attract attention to these soldiers or themselves. In the end, they had
Indeed, John was prepared to take the Chosen through deploying this Perfect Weapon in the best and fastest way possible. First, they had to know what or who The Perfect Weapon was. Since their discovery of the moles sending them on a wild goose chase, John was not asleep. To prove this, he pulled out a huge file and placed it on the table. Before he opened the file to reveal the contents, he called it, The Perfect Weapon. Each one of them looked at each other wondering how the file was to be The Perfect Weapon and what could be inside. It was not long after and he got into answering their questions. He opened the file and took the first page. He placed it on the projector for all of them to see as he explained. In this page was the pictures of a few men. Some of these men the Chosen knew while others they knew nothing about. Those few that they knew happened to be top government officials. The rest that the Chosen knew nothing about, they had to let him tell them more about them. The
It was time for Credonia to put that behind and forge the way forward. It was still a win for the Chosen. Though they may not have delivered the final blow, they had still succeeded in making Credonia a better place. One was down and, their first mission a success. Be that as it may, one may think that, things got easier for the Chosen. After all, the moles were just exposing themselves for them to annihilate. This is where they were wrong; moles exposing themselves for them to annihilate. With one mole on their wall of fame, the rest dug dipper into the ground. Far away from even the little penetrating sunlight. They no longer dug leaving lumps to mask any trail that the chosen could use. The Chosen, therefore, had no missions with the moles busy digging deep but, every cloud does have a silver lining. For all this while that these moles were busy digging, Credonia was running without a glitch. As good as that sounded, the Chosen could not rest as long as they knew the moles were bu
“Early this morning, signs of tension have been witnessed among the people of the Southern District. This is because of riots erupting and led to the death of several people as well as destruction of property. “Though the cause of the riots may not be clear, our sources say that, it had something to do with disagreement about leadership and the people’s welfare. This was after a word with several residents of this district and some of the victims. This is what our representative Maxwell from the District had for us about the matter,” Irene, the news anchor reported. “Thank you very much Irene. I am hear at the Southern District where people are tensed because of a riot that erupted at around 5 a.m. in the morning. From the very few people that have agreed to comment about it, they say that the problem may have started a while ago. “As we all know, the Southern District has been faced by many challenges that include shortages of food as well as insecurity. The riot is said to be beca
It was born, the Chosen Twelve, and, now it needed every bit of their attention and input to survive. Just like an infant in need of its mother’s care and support, The Chosen Twelve needed them all. Credonia and Credonians depended on it. A covenant they had just sealed and nothing could stop them from making their country better. The Chosen Twelve was the Vessel to the next level of development and a better Credonia. Joe may have been selected and named Peter but, there are things even Peter never knew about the Chosen Twelve at first, or, should it be at all? As he was figuring out where to get the money for the Chosen Twelve, in deed, the others too were not asleep. Yet again, he got a call from his fellow initiate who was now going by the name John. This time, it was not about a meeting but informing him that they had come up with an easier way of getting the money for the Chosen Twelve. There was no need for suffocating and possibly chocking the Credonia’s Treasury for their fir
By the time he was turning back to try to save the game, it was too late for him. He did not lose his job though, no. He was forced to play this new game. This is what flipped everything and how his story began. Just a few years in power as the Cabinet Minister of Finance, it was time to renew his subscription. One day, as he was busy in his office working building the Nation, he got a call from one of the very few Cabinet Members they had initiated for office together. It was just a harmless call notifying him of a meeting he was to attend and later a ceremony. The meeting was scheduled for the afternoon of that day. Since he had a tight schedule for that afternoon, all he did was to request for postponement to evening. He was kept on hold for a while and then, the caller confirmed the postponement. Still, nothing was out of place according to him. He just assumed that the meeting was very important for all involved to be present. What he never knew was that, that call was a mark f