Where there is desire, there is sacrifice. And the greediest thing that ever occurred on earth had sacrificed the fate of humanity.
After World War 3 turned most of the habitable lands into deadly zones, several small meteorites also started raining down to the earth each year, creating catastrophes in so many earth surfaces.
Those who survived the meteor collision were still affected by the mysterious energy radiation. However, only a few of them were able to survive and experienced evolution.
One of them is this 28-year-old swordsman named Arifin Tetsuo. He is considered as one of the awakened warriors, due to his unique ability in creating a shapeless repuslive barrier.
It’s great, right? Not at all. Because of this ability, he is alway exhausted almost all the time due to the burden it creates in his mind.
He almost never uses his sword to fight monster. And just like any other day, he spends most of his time in the medical tent, unconsciouness.
That morning, he wakes up by the little commotion near the medical tent. Several soldiers are making a ruckus with a heated debate.
“You can’t abandon the sanctuarium that long,” says the Sanctuarium Chief.
“But they are threats to our safety during the night,” argues Zaw Min, the leader of the sanctuarium protector.
The Chief glances around to look at all the awakened warriors amongst the soldiers he has at his disposal.
“You can only bring seven awakened warriors, and you can’t take Grace with you.”
“What? She is crucial in the battlefield. She is the only medical soldier here,” Zaw Min yells with a mad face.
“Chief, let me go with them,” says Grace.
Suddenly, Arifin appears and joins the debate. “If you want to take Grace, then you have to bring me too.”
All the soldiers avert their attention to Arifin with wrinkled faces. One of them even mocks him with a despised sneer.
“Dude, you are only going to be a deadweight for the team.”
“I can’t believe you still have the nerve to join this conversation.”
Arifin stares down those soldiers. He doesn’t trust them, because these people are always occupied by the drive of their adrenaline in fighting monsters.
“Who is going to protect Grace then?” he asks.
“Cih! Don’t act so high with yourself! Weak ass!”
“No, we need him,” Zaw Min interrupts. “He may not be effective in fighting, but his barrier is needed to protect our medical lady.”
Immediately, Arifin’s facial expression changes drastically. He looks so inspired that the hero he looks up to is now acknowledging him.
In less than five hours, those soldiers reach the one ancient shrine in the middle of Borneo's rainforest. It is said that the purpose is to clear the area from monsters. But the truth is, Zaw Min only cares about hunting treasures.
The shrine is not that big. There’s one small stupa at the terrace, a dome-shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine, with one Budha statue sitting inside it.
Zaw Min enters the shrine first to lead the team. Somehow, Arifin isn’t moving, and attracts Grace’s attention.
He is currently getting a clear voice talking directly to his mind. As if there is someone inside the shrine welcoming him.
<< Come here! I’ve been longing for you for so long. It’s almost like an eternity >>
Arifin is petrified, until Grace shakes him. “Hey!”
“Let’s go!”
Grace just enters the shrine. In the end, Arifin has no other choice but to follow her. It is his job to ensure her safety.
There are indeed some treasures in the bottom floor of this ancient shrine. Those soldiers look so ecstatic, howling like wolves as they collect their loot into the bags.
But then, the earth suddenly shakes so hard. Some bizarre zombies emerge from the ground.
Arifin and Grace are just stepping the first stair leading to the underground floor. But a commotion from the others soldiers occurs like they are being attacked by something.
“We better get out of this place!” says Arifin.
“What about the others?” asks Grace.
Those soldiers appear, running so wild climbing the staircases. One of them accidentally knocks Grace, and makes her fall on the stairs.
“Hey!” Arifin shouts in a mad face.
That soldier doesn’t even care to say sorry. Arifin just rushes to help Grace. But then, he sees so many zombies approaching.
“What are they?” mumbles Grace.
“Forget about it! Let’s get out of here!”
The condition outside the shrine is just as weird. The ground has been lifted along with the shrine.
There are something like two giant flower petals emerging from the ground around the shrine. They look like some nasty slimy flesh.
These petals are closing, like a giant carrion flower trapping the entire shrine inside it. Right after it finishes trapping the entire shrine, the earthquake slowly wears down.
“What’s going on here?” asks one of the soldiers, a Thai warrior named Jaidee Tanasugarn.
There is only one small space left so high at the top, where the light from outside can still get in. They are trapped, while they know there are also so many zombies coming to them from inside the shrine.
“Jaidee, block the entrance with your ice!” Zaw Min issues.
“What about Grace and Arifin?”
“We don’t need to split these treasures with those deadweights.”
Jaidee starts creating a layer of ice block just when Arifin and Grace almost reach the corridor leading to the exit. He actually can see them coming, but he keeps creating that ice block.
“Hey!!!” Arifin shouts. “What the fuck are you doing? We are still here!”
Arifin draws his sword and starts butchering those zombies one by one. But there’s no end to them.
He then runs so fast toward the exit. He creates a kinetic barrier in front of him by keeping his momentum.
“Grace! Follow me!”
Fortunately, the ice block that Jaidee has created isn’t that thick at the moment.
Arifin manages to break it. He grabs Jaidee’s tactical uniform on the chest by showing his mad face.
“What’s the meaning of this? Why are you leaving us? I know you had seen us coming, yet you still blocked the entrance with your ice?!”
Jaidee coldly shoves Arifin's hands away. “Don’t ask me. I’m just following orders.”
Jaidee continues his job. Meanwhile, Arifin is still silent, looking down with so much disappointment.
“It was a decision that I had to make to ensure the safety of my team,” answers Zaw Min.
Arifin notices all the treasures in their bags. He knows those warriors never care about others’ safety but their greed.
Out of nowhere, an amusing laugh occurs from inside the shrine. And Jaidee, he is thrown by something. Blood spurts out of his mouth, and his chest receives two wide cuts.
A mysterious man, with a unique appearance like some warrior from the ancient Java Kingdom, appears from inside the shrine.
His right hand looks like some devil’s hand, long and big with some muscle tissue emerging from the flesh. But his left hand looks normal, holding a “Kris”, a unique dagger-like weapon with asymmetrical and wavy shape.
Some flesh tendrils are slowly crawling from inside the shrine. The zombies are also appearing as if they answer this monster’s command.
The mysterious man notices Grace treating Jaidee’s wounded chest. One second later, the man is already so close waving his Kris toward them. But somehow, it is stopped in midair by Arifin’s shapeless barrier.
“Hoho! Not bad!” that monster grins. “But, how come I sense Rangkahasa’s corrupted blood in you?”
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He can’t simply tell that to Colonel Fermin. Because he doesn’t want to be seen as ridiculous any further.But then when he goes outside, he finds a few soldiers are lying on the ground. The situation becomes hectic as there are a few evil spirits infiltrating this medical area.Thankfully, those three shamans, even though they are not combatant-type of awakened people, they know some ways to repel those evil spirits. After all, they are not too many, since the corrupted aura that Arifin releases is somewhat weaker than usual.For the next two days, few dedemits and evil spirits keep coming during the night. Only in the next morning, Arifin is back to his consciousness.“Oh, you are awake?” One nurse approaches him and checks his condition.“Where am I?” asks Arifin as he tries to get up.But the nurse forces him to stay on the bed. “You've been unconscious for more than two days. You should just rest until you are completely recovered.”“Two days?” mumbles Arifin.He then checks his
117 - He Is Cursed
Mike looks up, and sees Dr. Cohen hovering in the air in his beast form. And the one who just hurt Mike’s chest, Marcus, is currently perching on a branch.“That accent? An American?” asks Mike.“Yes, I’m an American,” replies Dr. Cohen nonchalantly.“Which means you are the people from the Defiance Atlantis,” Mike continues.“Hohohoo! You guess right for the second time. And guess what, our organization highly values beast-type awakened warriors like you. Why don't you join…”Mike doesn’t even let him finish his words. He jumps so quickly after running on the tree trunk, and catches Dr. Cohen off guard.“So fast,” mumbles Dr. Cohen as he holds Mike’s right hand who has stabbed his chest right on his heart.Mike makes a turn and throws Dr. Cohen to the ground. As he lands, three of Dr. Cohen’s men immediately cover their boss.“Javier, we have to buy time to let Dr. Cohen recuperate,” issues Roberto.Both Javier and Marcus intend to attack, but Mike just stands there by releasing a su
116 - The Ritual's Premature Ending
Right now, all the dedemits and evil spirits begin to look mad like before. However, they no longer hunt Arifin, but only the people who have been marked as the target.Some flesh tendrils also crawl to the building, and then pull so many female employees from the second floor, including Naomi.“Dr. Cohen, help me!”Roberto frees her and the other female employees by cutting all of those tendrils. But all of them who have been bitten, are now in the similar situation as Arifin. Their wounds are leaking the corrupted aura, which makes all those demonic creatures so eager to kill them.“Dr. Cohen! What should we do now?” asks Javier half-shouting. “We can’t stay here forever.”It’s not that hard for Javier to deal with the dedemits. But the evil spirit, he can’t even touch them until now. But those creatures have been stealing his life force every time he tries to hit them.There are some balloons made of viscous membrane popping out on that throbbing flesh. It then explodes like pus of
115 - Name Your Sacrifice
The kid then turns silent, waiting for Arifin to reply to his offer. He even draws his ear closer, as if provoking Arifin to plead.Arifin knows that the Grace she loves has already died in the future. And she admits that he hasn’t been that close with this current Grace either.They are still like strangers so far, and he never thought of getting close together with her like in his previous life. Because he doesn’t want to put her in a life full of danger.But he can’t just ignore her after knowing she is still alive. More than Andini, right now saving Grace is much more important to him. At least, to pay back what Grace did for him in his previous life.“Please,” he mumbles with a low voice.“What? I can’t hear you,” says the kid with a kind of childish manner.“Please, help me!”The kid chuckles again with an amused face. “Sadly, I’m just an illusion. There’s no way I can harm them. But that kris can. All you need to do is stab the kris to the ground, and tell the kris what you tru
114 - Ask My Help
Arifin looks so confused, mixed with desperation which starts to resurface in his eyes. Meanwhile, Dr. Cohen is just observing from above, grinning devilishly as he controls Andini’s mind and body.Oddly enough, the other four beast-type awakened soldiers are trying to make the dedemits busy with them, and prevent them from getting close to Arifin. But Javier, as he finds an opening with Arifin is still occupied by Andini’s oddity, slams Arifin’s from the side with his shoulder.>That last collision has left some cracks on two of Arifin’s ribs. He coughs up blood, and his physical condition is also dropping to 14 %.Dr. Cohen flies lower and starts persuading Arifin once more. It’s clear he really has great interest in Arifin and doesn’t want to kill him. He doesn’t care that much that all the facilities that Defiance Atlantis built for him in this place are destroyed, as long as he gets Arifin to join him.“Why? Why Arifin, why? Yo
113 - Stabbed In the Back
Four floodlights have also fallen due to the chaos created by these unstoppable demons. More than half of the guards have died too. Those four beast-type awakened warriors have no other options but to help protect the few guards who still survive, while still keeping track of Arifin’s action.As they are busy in that chaos, a few people come out of the building through the main hallway. It attracts Arifin’s attention, and finds Jack and Rizal taking the ladies from the same group as Grace. But there’s no Grace amongst them.“Jack, where’s Grace and Andini?” asks Arifin as he intends to approach them.But his left leg is held down by one dedemit which has lost its legs. He just destroys the dedemits head by kicking it once.“Watt is still inside trying to get them out,” shouts Jack from afar.“What takes him so long?”“Unlike these people, their rooms are locked,” answers Rizal.Their conversation catches Dr. Cohen’s attention. That’s when he learns Arifin’s real reason why he is so in