Chapter 37: President's Deception

As Lorenz finished his oath, the judge faced the crowd with a formal nod. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the new president of Parkland, Penn Lorenz!"

The response was mixed. Some attendees immediately stood up, clapping and cheering loudly. Others remained seated, their faces tight with disapproval, murmuring among themselves and hissing in discontent. Lorenz noticed the divided reaction but simply smiled and shook his head slightly, looking unbothered

Above the auditorium, fighter jets soared across the sky, flying in tight, precise formations. Their display was followed by bursts of fireworks that lit up the sky, adding a festive note to the formal proceedings inside.

Back in the hall, the judge draped a ceremonial sash across Lorenz's shoulders and respectfully bowed his head. "Mr. President, you may now address your people."

Stepping up to the microphone with confidence, Lorenz waited as the mic echoed briefly before settling. He looked over the crowd, his expression one
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