Chapter 52: Imprisoned buddies

Dan walked out of the room quietly, noticing that the noise had reduced and there were no more footsteps. He began to move carefully, trying not to raise any alarm. As he walked, he almost made eye contact with a soldier who was scanning the area. Dan quickly bent down, breathing heavily, and tried to hide from the soldier.

He moved while lying flat on the floor, using a short wall as cover. After taking a few steps, he found a door slightly open. He quietly slipped through it. Unknown to him, a soldier had already spotted him from afar. The soldier watched as Dan entered one door and came out through another, following him quietly without Dan knowing.

Dan reached a balcony and saw a rope near some piled oil cans. He decided to use it to jump down. Just as he threw the rope down, a soldier appeared and said, "Hands up!" The soldier cocked his gun, ready to shoot if Dan disobeyed. Dan immediately raised his hands in surrender but still wanted to play smart.

Dan grabbed the rope, which
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