Chapter 63: Big decision

The News about the damaged gold imported from Mawuta had spread far and wide, stirring up strong reactions among people.

"Did you hear what Mawuta did?" a lady said to her friend as they walked down the street. "They gave us damaged gold. I thought they were better than that."

Her friend defended Mawuta. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, don’t jump to conclusions. It might be a set-up."

"Set-up?" the first lady scoffed, eyeing her friend with disbelief. She hissed in annoyance and began to walk away, shaking her head.


Good evening, everyone. I'm Sarah Mitchell, and welcome to News at 10. Tonight, we have some hot topics that are stirring up quite a reaction across the country.

First, let's dive into the issue of the damaged gold received from Mawuta. This controversy has set tongues wagging. People are questioning the integrity of the trade and the relationship between Parkland and Mawuta. Some citizens are already calling for answers.

Amidst this, neither President Lorenz of Parkland nor Presi
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