Chapter 58
(Blood Trails)

A thousand words, many conversations had and yet none received. As a result, unable to breach both worlds, Hercules and Buttercup's thoughts returned to themselves.

He missed her. He thought.

As he looked at the plane ticket on the bed booked for England.

That was after-all, where the blood trail led.

Himself, Opal, Bruce and Doug were already adjusting their minds to this new turn of events.

Hercules took out a cigarette and walked out the room into the living room, then through the front door.

He lit it and dragged at the tip without getting that sensation a smoke gave him. His mind went back to Buttercup.

He never thought that there was a woman on earth he couldn't live without and yet, here he was with her running through his veins in replacement of his blood.

It was early in the morning. So early he could still see the moon in the sky, it was not yet time to give rise to the sun, that was about three hours away.

Everything was black, the tree
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