Chapter 65
(Who killed Simeon?)

You can tell much about a man by the way he drives a vehicle.

Opal thought as Hercules sat behind the steering wheel and turned into the Bloomfield's mansion.

He avoided every obstacle along the dirt path, then slowed to wait for a herd of goats to pass. He was a patient man, who took time to navigate his way into and around, your body and your heart.

He slowed down when he sensed Opal needed to adjust herself in her seat and she did. He was an observant lover, who will take the time to give you what you needed.

Opal could decipher that he was the type of man, who took pleasure in your pleasure.

"Buttercup didn't stand a chance."

Opal chuckled and addressed him.


He spoke as he passed through the plantation's open gate.

The hybrid was between Doug and Opal, the poor thing slept with her head resting on Opal's lap the entire way from the airport. Doug was dozing off on the other side of the back seat.

Bruce was asleep in the front sea
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