Chapter 2: New Powers and New Friend

Clark sat on a bench in the quiet city park. The park was illuminated by soft lights, yet the rain still made him shiver with cold.

Clark didn’t know where to go as the day grew darker. The serene park contrasted sharply with the chaos that had recently engulfed his life. Clark then opened the system and tried to understand it better. What was he supposed to do now? The system should have given him something, like a quest or food, as Clark was beginning to feel hunger.

As Clark pondered his new life, the system’s voice suddenly echoed in his mind, "Welcome to the Gaia System. Your initial power is minimal but will increase as you complete missions. Use your abilities wisely to achieve your goals."

Clark was confused. He had been given a second chance with mysterious powers, but so far, there had been no significant changes. He felt neither stronger nor more capable—just bewildered and cautious. He scrolled through the holographic interface, trying to understand how to use this power and what it meant for him.

As Clark reflected on the system’s hints, a commotion nearby caught his attention. He saw a group of bigger teenagers surrounding a smaller, timid boy. The bullies pushed him around, taunted, and laughed, their actions causing the boy to look anxious and terrified.

The system's voice cut through his thoughts abruptly. “Mission Assigned: Protect the bullied student. Reward: Power increase and additional resources.”

Clark’s heart raced. Finally, a quest had appeared.

Seeing the injustice before him stirred the same anger that drove Clark to seek revenge. Now that the system had given him an opportunity, he would prove himself through action. He stood up and approached the scene, his resolve strengthening with each step.

“Hey! Leave him alone!” Clark shouted firmly.

The bullies turned, their expressions a mix of surprise and mockery.

“Who are you?” one of the bullies sneered, flexing his fists. The other two exchanged cynical glances, clearly underestimating Clark.

“I’m someone who won’t let you get away with this,” Clark said, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

The situation quickly escalated. The three bullies, all muscular and tall, surrounded Clark with clear intent.

Even though Clark’s body was thin and appeared frail, he felt an unusual surge of energy. This was a small portion of the power the system had promised. He clenched his fists, ready to fight.

“Beat him up!” one of the bullies ordered.

The fight was brutal. The bullies were strong and ruthless, but Clark’s new abilities gave him an edge.

His movements were faster and his strength greater than it appeared. Each punch and kick he delivered seemed to have a more significant impact, causing his opponents to stagger.

Despite facing a one-sided fight, Clark managed to keep up with the bullies. His strikes became more precise, and he used his surroundings to his advantage, knocking over trash cans and using the park bench as a shield.

While dodging and attacking, Clark delivered accurate blows.

After a grueling struggle, he succeeded in driving the bullies away, leaving them retreating with embarrassment and sore bodies.

The park grew quiet again, and the bullied boy, who had been huddled on the ground, stared at Clark with wide eyes. “T-Thank you,” the boy stammered, still visibly shaken but grateful.

“No problem,” Clark replied, taking a deep breath. “Are you okay?”

The boy nodded, still looking a bit confused. “Yeah, I think so. You really helped me. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come.”

Clark offered a reassuring smile. “I’m glad I could help. What’s your name?”

“Alex,” the boy said. “Alex Dawson. And you…?”

“Clark,” he replied. “Just Clark.”

Alex seemed to sense Clark’s exhaustion and offered, “Would you like to come to my house? My parents are out of town today. I’d like to make it up to you with a dinner.”

Clark hesitated but accepted the offer. He needed to learn more about his new situation and was in no position to refuse help. Besides, he was indeed very hungry.

“Alright. Thank you,” Clark said. He then followed Alex.

Upon arriving at Alex’s large and luxurious home, Clark was surprised to see that Alex was wealthier than he had imagined. This was a stark contrast to his current state as a vagrant. Clark also felt fortunate that Alex’s parents were not home.

“I didn’t know you were this rich,” Clark said candidly.

Alex smiled, a bit bitter. “Unfortunately, my wealth doesn’t protect me from bullying. They just target me more because of the money I have.”

Clark looked at Alex. A sad expression was clearly visible on Alex’s face. Perhaps, Alex had been living this way for too long.

As Clark observed his surroundings, the system’s voice suddenly rang out again, providing an unexpected quest.

The system gave Clark a quest to befriend Alex. Clark wondered why the system wanted him to befriend Alex. What was the benefit?

While Clark was puzzled, Alex suddenly made a proposition.

“Sorry if this sounds rude, but do you have a home?”

Clark didn’t hesitate to answer. “I don’t have a home. I’m just living on the streets.”

Alex smiled. “What if you stay here and be my friend? I’ll treat you well.”

Clark thought for a moment. All of this was coming suddenly. When he was hungry and without a place to stay, Alex offered unexpected help. Was this the system’s influence or just coincidence?

Clark didn’t know which was true, but he had no other options at the moment. Clark smiled and nodded. “Alright. I’ll accept your offer.”

The beginning of Alex and Clark’s acquaintance would mark the start of their long and perilous journey.


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