Chapter 4: Starting School

In the past few days, Alex hadn't been going to school. Clark had been worried since Alex had been staying with him after Clark saved him from the bullies weeks ago. They had moved in together, and Clark felt a strong sense of responsibility to protect his friend.

That day, Clark came home early from his training and entered the house. Alex was sitting in the living room, looking dejected and anxious. Clark could sense the heavy atmosphere around him.

"Alex, what's wrong? Why haven't you been going to school?" Clark asked with concern. He felt it was time to get involved.

Alex sighed heavily, staring at the floor. "I'm scared, Clark. The bullies... they keep finding ways to make my life miserable. I don't know what to do."

Clark felt a deep sympathy for his friend. Although he had tried to protect Alex, the threat seemed far from over. Clark decided that he needed to help Alex.

In recent weeks, Clark had also been studying a new power he gained after rescuing Elena. This power allowed Clark to teleport quickly within a 10-meter range with a cooldown of 1 minute. The ability was incredibly useful for Clark, especially in situations where he needed to act fast.

"So, are you going to stay home forever?" Clark asked after a moment of contemplation.

Alex sighed again, weighed down by his worries. "It's safer at home than going to school and getting bullied there."

Clark genuinely felt for Alex. "I have an idea. What if I enroll in the same school as you? That way, I can look out for you."

Alex looked at Clark as if he were a guardian angel. "Are you serious, Clark?"

Clark nodded with determination. "I'm serious. Besides, I'm bored with nothing to do."

Hearing Clark's words, Alex's face lit up with enthusiasm. "You're the best, Clark. I'm really lucky to have met you."

Clark just smiled. He wasn't sure whether he or Alex was more fortunate. The truth was, Clark had another reason for wanting to attend Alex's school—he was still curious about Elena, and this was his only chance to get closer to her.

Alex then got up and grabbed his phone. "I'll take care of everything for you, Clark. The uniform and all."

Seeing Alex's eagerness, Clark could only smile and let his friend handle the arrangements. The rest was up to Clark—to be Alex’s protector.


The following days were filled with preparations for Clark's transfer to the new school. Alex helped Clark with the registration process, and everything went smoothly thanks to the assistance of Alex's relatives who worked at the school.

After a few days, the much-anticipated first day at Clark's new school arrived. Clark felt nervous but also excited about the chance to get closer to Elena and make use of his new ability.

Clark tried to calm himself and was ready to face the new challenges. With his new power to quickly teleport, he felt a bit more confident, although he had not fully mastered its use.

In class, Clark introduced himself. "My name is Clark Dawson, and I'm a distant cousin of Alex," he said with a friendly smile. Some students seemed interested, and the atmosphere in the class felt more welcoming than he had imagined.

The first day went quite smoothly, and Clark kept a careful watch over his surroundings. His main goal was to ensure Alex's safety, which was one of the reasons he had enrolled in this school.

When lunchtime arrived, Alex invited Clark to the cafeteria. They got their food and found a seat in a corner. Clark felt at ease, but his mind was still on Elena.

As they were in the cafeteria, Clark saw Elena sitting at a table near the window. She looked graceful in her school uniform, and Clark’s heart raced seeing her.

"Isn't that Elena, the girl from before?" Clark murmured, unable to take his eyes off her.

Alex glanced over and saw Elena. "Yes, but don’t even think about approaching her."

Clark frowned. "Why can’t I approach her?"

Alex began eating his meal. "She’s the most popular girl here. Besides, the guy close to her is the king of the school. He won’t let any guy interfere with Elena."

Alex's explanation made Clark feel a twinge of jealousy.

As Clark was watching Elena, a handsome guy in a baseball jacket suddenly approached Elena and her group, sitting down and wrapping an arm around her.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?"

Clark froze. With his enhanced hearing, he could clearly hear the guy’s voice.

What? Sweetheart? Clark couldn’t hide his jealousy. He wanted to get up and pull the guy's arm off Elena, but he held back. First, he needed to find out who this guy was. Then, he would take action to win Elena’s heart.


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