Chapter 9: Inferno Encounter

The next morning, Alex decided not to go to school. His fear of facing the zombie-like people was too great. Clark followed Alex's decision and stayed home to rest. They sat in the living room, watching the news on television with confused expressions.

"Clark, look at this news," Alex said, pointing to the TV screen. "It’s similar to what we faced yesterday. What exactly is happening with those people?"

Clark frowned. "I don’t know either, Alex. They seem to be experiencing something that makes them not feel pain or injury. It’s very suspicious."

The news showed CCTV footage of several young people doing crazy things—some throwing themselves into traffic, others jumping off buildings. Strangely, they got up and ran as if nothing had happened. Several witnesses corroborated the reports, adding details about how the people did not show any signs of pain.

Alex looked at Clark with worried eyes. "Is there some kind of zombie outbreak hitting our city?"

Clark squinted. "Do you believe in something like that?"

Alex stood and moved closer to the TV screen. "You can see it, Clark! We fought them yesterday, and now it’s on the news! If they’re not zombies, then what are they?"

Clark couldn't answer Alex's question, as he didn’t know what they were dealing with. The thought crossed his mind to ask Vincent, but he was sure Vincent wouldn’t reveal the truth.

As Clark pondered, the long-forgotten system voice suddenly sounded in his head. This time, Clark received a side quest that he had not encountered before.

The main quest to destroy the Black Vipers remained, and now Clark also had a side quest to investigate the strange people who felt no pain.

Clark was certain this was related to the Black Vipers and the secret behind his system powers. Although the mission was challenging, he was determined to complete it. Since bringing Alex along was too dangerous, Clark decided to handle the matter alone this time.


As night fell, the occurrence of people behaving strangely became more frequent. Additionally, the appearance of a man in a black hoodie caught attention. This man was trying to subdue the chaos-makers. Stories of zombies and a hero in a black hoodie began spreading, even reaching Julian's ears.

In the grand office of Drake Holdings, Julian Drake sat with a serious expression. The news of the mysterious hero and the chaos affecting the city filled Julian’s thoughts. He did not know the true identity of the hero, but he would not let his plans be obstructed.

Julian summoned one of his seven executives, a man named Vulcan. “Vulcan, I need you to deal with the hero in the black hoodie. He is interfering with my plans, and I don’t like his image as a savior.”

Vulcan nodded, accepting the order with seriousness. “I will take care of it, Sir. I will make sure the hero is no longer a problem.”

Julian nodded in satisfaction. “Good. We cannot let anything obstruct our goals. Complete this task quickly.”

With clear instructions, Vulcan prepared to find and eliminate the mysterious hero.


After several days of patrolling and defeating people who acted like zombies, Clark began to notice positive effects from his efforts. He started gaining new abilities that significantly improved his stats. This new ability granted him regeneration and physical resilience increased by 100% for 5 minutes when his health dropped below 20%. This ability proved highly useful in dangerous and high-pressure situations.

One night, after defeating his last opponent affected by the zombie serum, Clark felt the need to find a quiet place. He found a deserted, neglected park, a location ideal for reflection and recovery. The park was dark and almost unkempt, with flickering park lights and fallen, dry leaves scattered on the ground.

As Clark sat on a park bench, he was examining his new ability and planning his next steps. However, the peaceful atmosphere was soon disrupted by the arrival of someone emerging from the darkness. A man in a black hoodie, holding a lit lighter, drew Clark’s attention.

The man was Vulcan, a fire controller known for his terrifying abilities. Without hesitation, Vulcan entered the park. He ignited flames from his lighter, making them grow larger. Each of his steps was filled with threat and power, intensifying the tension in the atmosphere.

“Are you the hero in the black hoodie?” Vulcan asked with a menacing tone. “I’m here on my Master’s orders. I’ve been tasked with removing you.”

Clark stood up and prepared for battle. In his lifetime, this was the first time he had seen someone control fire like a sorcerer. If Clark had not received his system powers, he might not have believed what he was seeing. But everything was different now. If he had received powers from the system, it meant that his opponent might also have similar powers.

“Die peacefully!” Vulcan hurled a fireball at Clark, but with his enhanced reflexes, Clark managed to dodge the attack.

“If you think I’ll surrender without a fight, you’re mistaken. I will fight you.” Clark utilized his speed, but Vulcan fought cleverly. He used fire to restrict Clark's movement, preventing him from moving freely.

Vulcan raised his lighter, and the fire grew even larger. “You’re pretty fast for a rat.”

The battle resumed with explosive fire. Clark used his reflexes and flash step to evade. Each time fire touched him, Clark used his regeneration and physical resilience to endure minor injuries without permanent damage.

Vulcan continued to attack with massive flames, but Clark remained agile. He used defensive and offensive techniques wisely, searching for weaknesses in Vulcan’s defenses. Each of Clark’s movements was filled with tension and anticipation, while Vulcan’s fire scorched the ground around them.

As the battle progressed, Clark eventually identified Vulcan’s source of power. He always used his lighter to create fire. If Clark could seize the lighter, he might be able to defeat Vulcan.

Clark began to move with agility, luring Vulcan towards a pond.

“Do you want to use the pond’s water to defeat me?” Vulcan smiled derisively. “You’re throwing fireballs recklessly at Clark.”

Clark leaped into the pond and took cover there.

“Hahaha! Look at you, running into a pot!” Vulcan showed no mercy. He continued to throw fire at the pond water.

Clark held his breath and waited for the right moment. As Vulcan’s figure became visible from the bottom of the pond, Clark kicked the pond’s bottom hard and shot up with full speed.

Vulcan was surprised. How could Clark shoot out from the pond like that? Vulcan quickly activated his strongest defense. His body was surrounded by fire, making him think Clark wouldn’t dare to touch him. However, Clark, with his reckless determination, tackled Vulcan.

The blazing fire scorched Clark’s clothes and skin, but Clark didn’t care. His health dropped drastically, from 80 to 25, and finally to 19%.

“Hahaha! Die, little rat! You’re foolish, running into the fire!”


The system voice rang loudly in Clark’s head. For 5 minutes, his body’s resilience increased by 100%. This was what Clark had been waiting for.

“Arrggghhhhh!!” Clark screamed and threw himself along with Vulcan into the pond.

Vulcan was shocked but couldn’t escape Clark’s strong embrace.

They both fell into the pond, and no one emerged for almost 5 minutes. In the silence after the intense battle, ripples on the pond began to appear. From beneath the pond, Clark shot up and fell hard onto the ground.

Gasping for breath, Clark raised his hand and shouted loudly. “I won!!!”


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