
Ethan could see very clearly the events in the video. A CCTV recording that shows an incident even before it occurs. Ethan could see very clearly how a man wearing a white robe seemed to be busy carrying a tool to approach a tube which contained a formula that didn't know what. The man seemed to be pacing then looking around then he squatted down and did something there. Until in the end the man chose to immediately go and arrange some other equipment so that it was near the tube he had just made, who knows what it was. Until then, after that, there was a man who Ethan knew very well whose photo was displayed very nicely in his house and walked with several other scientists into the room and the man in the robe too. There were four of them, then they carried out several experiments there and then had several discussions. The other two men were allowed to leave because they were carrying some formulas which would most likely be put in another laboratory, so those two men were left. One
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