Despite the new chapter, it doesn’t mean I’m returning to this story. I have to focus on things that can make money or at the very least things I can enjoy while increasing my portfolio or presence online. This story doesn’t fulfill any of the criteria. Due to the emergency and its aftermath, I have forgotten the details of how I’m suppose to continue this. This chapter alone was difficult to write. To make matters worse, I don’t think there are that many people that would be sad to see this disappear into history. Maybe I’ll continue this someday but I doubt it. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoyed what does exist of this story.

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I forgot my umbrella, again. I look towards the gray sky and feel the light drizzle on my nose. I can’t help but chuckle at my forgetfulness but what else is new. I look to the other side of the street to see the smiles of my high school classmates. Even the rain can’t dim their mood. I’ll admire them for that. But only that. Nao: “There are only 2 things that could put a smile like that on my face.”I pick up the pace to my destination before the heavy rain catches me and wets my reward for survival. It takes longer than I would like but I make it to my local bookstore in time. I push open the doors and breath deep the smell of fresh new books. The only reprieve in the town for people like me. I scan the area to see only a handful of people reading or at least pretending to.Nao: “The few that are.”But that’s fine, more worlds to escape to for me. I pace around the fiction section, scanning everything hidden gem and catching titles. But none of them really pop outNao: “I need so
Beginnings of the Modern Mage You’re a Wizard Nao!
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Beginnings of the Modern Mage Things are Changing
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Rise From The Ashes
[Perspective Shift: Nao]I wake up.But little has changed. I’m still numb from the news from yesterday. No, I’m not numb. I’m just suppressing the urge to do what must be done. I force myself up and-Alphon: “Not so fast kid, I still need to help Trevor. One more treatment should do.”Nao: “…Alright.”I give up my body and try to recollect my emotions again.[Perspective Shift: Alyson]Alyson: “Mmmmm, Nao?”Prisha: “Think again sweetheart.”…Oh yeah, we slept in the same bed. But I don’t remember being in…this position.Alyson: “Did you do this on purpose?”Prisha: “No, maybe you just needed someone to really hold. I for one have no issues.”Alyson: “Of course you don’t.”Before Prisha can get any ideas, I untangle our bodies and get ready for the day. The…very stressful day. Before freshening up and savoring the last moments of peace I’ll have, I take a look at Deanna. She does look a bit better. Hopefully, she’ll wake up soon. After enjoying my time getting ready for the day with
Emergency Notice
Notice:I know we just started but due to severe problems at home, I will no longer be able to write for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry, but I'm putting this on hiatus until further notice. If you don't hear back from me within a year, probably means I'm dead or worse. It's been a fun ride, hopefully I'll see you later.In order to reach the 100 word mark, I'll just repeat the notice.[ I know we just started but due to severe problems at home, I will no longer be able to write for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry, but I'm putting this on hiatus until further notice. If you don't hear back from me within a year, probably means I'm dead or worse. It's been a fun ride, hopefully I'll see you later. ]
Burn and...
[Perspective Shift: Nao] Nao: “Don’t worry guys, you’re doing well.”Mat: “Says…*Pant*…you.”Velo: “Gathering mana…is…hard.”Nao: “Baby steps.”You’re sure this is the correct way to teach them?Arc: “Yes, they’re not you. They’ll need to start with meditation and feeling mana before anything else.”I didn’t think that would tire them out this much.Arc: “I hope this puts in perspective how lucky you are to have me.”Right, lucky. Nao: “I think we should stop here, it’s getting late.”Mat: “Thank you.”Velo: “Are you sure?”Nao: “Yeah, we all need to rest after all.”Velo: “…Alright, I’ll do better next time.”Mat: “Yeah m-me too.”Nao: “Great, I’m looking forward to it.”*Ding*Points: 30 Continue Teaching (+5) [Daily]Nice, that’s a nice bang of daily points. I go lay down on my bed and watch my students leave the room. Heh, students. Who would’ve seen that coming? Mat is the first to leave and Velo gave one last look before motioning for the door. Velo: “Nao?”Nao: “Yeah?”Vel
Rescue Mission Part 3
We stare each other down. Despite having the field advantage, I’m sure Vale will find a way to surprise me. I take a mental check over the magic items I have.Magic Missile Gun [9 Shots]Invisibility Cap (Tallow) [1 Charge, for 1 minute]Magic Shield Gloves (Tallow) [1 Charge]Not terrible, I can do this. Vale: “Let’s test this out.”Vale creates 2 dozen across the entire room and commands them to attack me. But due to the environment, they’re not fast enough. I raise my hand and flash-freeze them while imprisoning the main one.Vale: “Yeah, I thought so. Plan B it is.”Eira: “Watch out!”!I see a bright light burst to life behind the ice prison. Instantly, I know what he’s doing. But the target…I move in front of the wall where Victor is slumped against outside. I create several ice walls in front and activate my magic item. Tallow: “Magic Shield!” A bright blue translucent shield appears right in time for the world to turn white.Vale: “Mini-Magic Cannon.”I can’t see anything,
Rescue Mission Part 2
Victor: “We’re in, nothing weird so far.”I take a step through the door and scan the area. The inside of the building is old, dirty, and damaged. Plates, glass, and dust litter the cracked floor. Moonlight weakly slips through the windows to my sides. Chairs and tables are flipped over and scattered across the area.Victor: “Watch your step.”Tallow: *Nod*We creep along the scarce few smooth sections of the floor. My eyes dart to every dark shadow of the room. My frozen arms tremble, ready to freeze whatever may jump out to get us.Victor takes out his magic missile gun while leading me deeper into the building. Through the hallways and corridors, much of it was the same. Empty rooms, destroyed materials, and an awful smell. Probably to deter the few people snooping around.I know this is a temporary safe house but I can’t believe this place has the materials necessary to keep Trevor alive. That was until Victor brought us to a seemingly normal door. He looked back at me and nodded
Rescue Mission Part 1
*Knock* *Knock*Nao: “…Huh?”I look at the clock, I notice that it’s 7:30 PM. Not an awful time to wake up. I hope this is worth it.I look at Alyson’s cute sleeping face.Nao: “I’m glad you still have that same look while sleeping.”I kiss her cheek before getting out of bed and opening the door. At the doorway is Mat who tries to say something before seeing Alyson’s sleeping figure.Mat: “Bro, did you-”Nao: “No.”Not yet.Nao: “What’s up?”Mat: “I wanted to tell Alyson that Victor is back with the info we need. I was going to tell you afterward but since you’re both here…”Nao: “Okay, I’ll tell her. Is…Tallow still insisting on being the only one going with Victor?”Mat: “Yep, it’s times like this where I feel the most useless.”Nao: “I’m…sorry. I wish I had more artifacts for you.”Mat: “It’s fine, I’ll just continue spreading the message online. It’s all me and Velo can do after all.”Before I could say anymore Mat closed the door. *Sigh*I look back at Alyson’s sleeping figure
Divide and Come Together
“Oh my god…did that really happen?”Alyson: “Yes, I hope you understand the threat that Hiroshi presents. If he’s willing to do that to his men, imagine what he would do to us or…you.”“I think I get it Ms.Redfern, I’ll make sure this gets to the right people.”Alyson: “Please, call me Alyson. Since we’re on a first-name basis, can I have yours?”“Of course, the name is Ruby.”Alyson: “And what about you cameraman?”Ruby: “Sorry, Kevin is mute.”Kevin: *Nod*Alyson: “I understand. Prisha will stay near you just in case anything happens.” Prisha: “Aww, I just woke up and already I’m put to work. Oh well, I’ll do my best. I’ll also throw that invader bootlicker in jail while I’m at it.”Ruby: “Thanks, for everything. I’ll be sure to put in the good word for you and…you’re brother.”Alyson: “I’d appreciate that.” With that, Prisha led the reporters and the surviving spy out of the house. I watch them leave while keeping my distance from the group. Alyson, Mat, and Victor are still in t
[Perspective Shift: Nao]*Door Open*Finally, I’m back home. At least, back at base. I don’t think this will ever feel like home. *Hug*?!Suddenly, I feel something soft and warm envelop me. I start to focus and notice Alyson hugging. It’s a bit uncomfortable due to the size difference though.I grow to acceptable sizes and hug her back. We stayed like that for a few moments before breaking apart. Alyson: “You didn’t have to grow on me like that. It doesn’t bother me.”Nao: “Maybe, but I prefer being tall.”Alyson: “…Alright. I want you to know that I’m proud of you for what you did. It could have been much worse if your killed Sever.”Nao: “…Thanks, I mean it. But I…”Still feel that desire deep down. Nao: “If you don’t mind, I would like to go to sleep.”Alyson: “I understand but…you should know what happened while you were away.”Nao: “W-What happened?”Alyson: “Follow me upstairs and I’ll explain.”I do as she says while listening to the story. I try to swallow any destructive
[Perspective Shift: Nao]Sever: “My employer knew you would be too impulsive to stay still after your home is invaded. Clearly, you want to end this quickly but we have other plans.”Nao: “Tch, you’ll regret healing me. I’m much stronger and wiser than before. Now that I can move, I’ll be sure to kill you this time.”Sever: “You’re not the only one that’s grown. Even If you somehow kill me, I’ll make sure to delay you long enough to shut down that shield of yours.”Nao: “What?!”Sever: “Yeah, afterward we’ll make a bigger bloodbath than what happened with Astral.”Nao: “…Fine.”I bite my lip and stuff the pain coursing through my body. It’s not as bad as I expected but it will never be pleasant to shapeshift.This is where all my practice pays, I transform into a form that will inspire fear and horror. Nothing too crazy but enough to force a reaction. My body breaks apart and reforms into a form resembling a werewolf. But the form is more…grotesque than normal. I grow pure black fur