End of test

"Do you think we're the ones that are difficult to manage or they really can't hear what other people have to say?" Amanda spoke to the person next to her.

“Wouldn't it be better if we worked together? With Raven in our group, our chances of winning will be higher.”

Lucas just kept quiet while holding the medallion in his hand, There were only the two of them here. He also felt troubled by this. "You may be right."

Although this team is a strong team with Raven and Veronica in it who are known for their strength and Kevin Heider who is still a mysterious but unpredictable person.

Despite all the potential they have, this Team is a mess.

Raven wanted to make plans beforehand and jointly complete this challenge but not much was responded to by those outside the Raven group.

Veronica who moved personally and Kevin Heider who didn't even know where he had gone.

They can only rely on Raven to win the other group's medallion and defeat Ivo Graham if they have the chance.

Amanda saw Lucas wh
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