The entry test (1)

The morning sunlight brought with it a warmth that he had almost never felt in his previous world. It would be so refreshing if only his head didn't hurt right now.

At least, the pain has started to decrease little by little.

Calm atmosphere around with neatly arranged trees. Each breath that comes in brings cold air into the lungs. The air quality here was completely different than outside the academy.

"ugh…" Ivo opened his eyes. He was getting used to the pain in his head. The sunlight hit his whole body and warmed his body which was leaning weakly on the park bench.

The vision in front of him was filled with a crowd of people walking by without a care for him. In stark contrast to the calm atmosphere of the previous morning.

Some exhibited how beautiful clothes were embroidered with silk in various striking colors. Those who wore the formal attire of the organization they belonged to, Ordinary people who didn't have fancy clothes and only wore normal human clothes, and some even hid themselves apart from the crowd.

Various people with many different characteristics can be found here.

"Hmmm? She's gone?" Ivo looked next to him but the woman sitting next to him was gone.

"That's a pity, it would be better if we could get acquainted. Well there will be another time." Ivo got up and continued walking with the rest of the crowd.

After walking for a while, the scenery around the area turned even more stunning. Tall and magnificent buildings neatly arranged. The most prominent part is the 5 towers with carvings that fill the entire wall. The tower which is the pride of white snow academy

Almost all of the crowd were amazed by the sight they saw. From here there were many students from the academy wearing blue academy uniforms with white robes embroidered with gold patterns. There are many of them observing the registrants while enjoying the expressions we display.

"Hehe…look at those hicks. They are like monkeys who see jewels"

"What do you expect. They are ordinary people who don't know their place."

There were many similar reactions from the white snow academy's students. Their gazes looked disdain especially for the group that wore simple clothes who were descended from ordinary humans.

They are of course careful in speaking. The students of the white snow academy weren't some idiot who offends carelessly. There are several tricks they do to check the status and abilities of some newcomers with the magic they have.

So before they insult someone they will conduct a thorough investigation to avoid unnecessary trouble.

At least they used their brains.

Ivo ignored the words leading to his crowd and quietly separated himself. He wasn't too impressed as he had seen the scene in front of him so many times and had even entered one of those towers. Maybe if he saw it for the first time he would be impressed by all the architecture presented.

Ivo didn't show much change in the expression he was showing. There was no change in terms of the expression on his face.

Honestly saying, he was impressed, but that was about it.

Ivo walked towards one of the grand buildings. Magnificent banners bearing the place of student registration are written clearly there.

Inside, various kinds of ornaments and paintings are displayed on the walls. There is no ancient impression when you enter it. Illumination on all sides and a sweet fragrance that spreads throughout the room. Chandeliers that appeared to be made of crystal hung from the ceilings of the rooms.

In the center of the room was a statue of a sword embedded in a human-looking head with pitch-black horns and a human holding the sword looking triumphant.

The statue looks very delicate with amazing detail. I can tell from my experience that the material this statue is made of is not in this region.

The rare stone and various gems that go with it seem to shatter at the slightest exposure to sunlight, only to be found in areas where the sun never hits the plains.

"Crazy… I can't imagine how wealthy this academy is. Using such a rare item just to make a statue is such a waste." Ivo looked at himself and felt very pitiful.

I don't even have a penny on me right now. Even during the game, owning half of the treasure in the statue was the highest luxury he could achieve.

The value of this statue is equivalent to one of the towers in this academy.

At least those towers have function and purpose of each. But the statue in front of him is a waste of money.

Many people say that ignorance is a blessing. At first he didn't believe that sentence at all.

But it seems I was slapped by a very harsh reality. I must admit that ignorance is a bliss for now.

Ivo shook his head and walked into the available registration room. "I want to enroll in the academy."

A student in a white snow academy uniform looked at Ivo and handed him a piece of paper to fill out.

"Okay, please fill in this registration form." The student handed over the registration document.

Still the same as before.

The contents of the document are in the form of basic information needed to confirm the identity of the entry participant. Actually filling out this document was only a formality, many students from the academy came from outside the royal territory and some didn't even have a national identity.

White Snow Academy doesn't place any restrictions on where its students come from. They dared to accept even from any territory no matter who they were.

They don't even charge anything.

Their status as an independent organization with extraordinary wealth and extensive connections is the basis for their courage to take this action.

After finishing filling out the document, the student who took care of the document brought the document in and out with a card in his hand.

"This is your registration card. Please bring this to take the exam that will take place. This is a document regarding the examination mechanism that will take place. Also please prepare for this exam as best you can since our assessment is very strict towards new students this year." The student explained kindly.

Ivo glanced briefly at the card that was handed over and sighed. He had a disappointed expression on his face as he accepted the card.


A moment later, Ivo crushed the cards in his hand as easily as a potato chip.

"Stop playing with your tricks. Give me the correct card. I'm not some stupid kid who can be tricked with this simple trick"

The academy student didn't show any change in expression towards Ivo's provocation instead he looked happy.

He touched the silver bracelet on his hand and took out a card from it. Unlike the white card earlier, this card is black with patterns and gold writing on the surface.

"Apologies for the rudeness." Again he handed the card to Ivo.

"Hmmph." Ivo took it and immediately left the room.

The smile on the man's face disappeared as Ivo walked out of the room. He took it back and looked at the document that the other person filled out.

"Candidate Ivo. Does not indicate origin, nor citizenship status. Not showing any affiliation with any organization or being associated with any evil forces."

"His talent is simply amazing. It needs further assessment to see how much potential it has."

"Candidate Ivo. Pass the first stage."

The paper in his hand disappeared in thin air. Moments later, another man entered.

"Is this the place of registration?"

The student saw another registrar in front of him. He walked closer with a slight stagger.

"Yes, please fill in this registration form"


"There's no way I'm going to fall for a trick like this again." Ivo sighed helplessly.

This is why starting from the city of Ernest is so difficult. It is impossible to develop independently in this city without support. At least it will be very lucky if players can survive in this city within one week.

Who would hire someone with neither talent nor a clear identity? Only a fool would do that. Especially the players who appeared out of nowhere.

In this case, new players starting here wouldn't even be able to do anything.

No money, no place to live, can't even find a job. What did the developers really think about when making this game.

At least in other games they have a good start, Even in transmigration themed novels they will have a good start in life. Some may be bad but those are minority cases.

Unfortunately in 'destiny' it's not like that.

You often see transmigrators reincarnated in the bodies of rich people or in prestigious families who have the goal of revenge?

Congratulations on 'destiny', you will be given a new body and start without having any identity.

Starting as an influential person, the child of an outcast or an unknown NPC?

Heck No. I would be very grateful if it happened like that. At least they have an identity and a foundation on which to build their strength.

When compared with other transmigrators who at least have a house or family who takes care of them. Destiny isn't that kind and generous.

Here? I'm even lucky enough to catch Raven attention so I can have a decent place to live, decent food to eat, even a comfortable bed.

If not for the fact that he was attracted to me who has a 'heart of fearlessness', I would probably be sleeping in dirty alleys right now.

"In this world the strong rule over everything, while the weak can only accept."

White Snow Academy is also like that. Even though their decisions were highly controversial and drew much criticism, no one dared to take action against them.

Those who were against were frightened by the power of the white snow academy. So they could only remain silent and accept the decision made by the white snow academy.

This is the law of this world. The strong rule and the weak can only follow.

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