A collective sense of amazement and disbelief swept through the construction workers, pedestrians, and Joanna alike.

In a state of awe, Joanna found herself muttering, “That’s my husband,” her mouth agape in sheer shock as she couldn’t divert her gaze from her husband.

While Jinx struggled to regain his footing, attempting to wiggle his body into a standing position, Travis calmly approached him.

Jinx’s gaze shifted from the discarded iron bar to Travis’s apathetic countenance. A profound sense of fear gripped him as his eyes met Travis’s steely gaze.

Attempting to mask his trepidation, he blurted out in a trembling voice, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing? I’m Big Brother Larry’s man. If anything happens to me, he will make you pay for it, I promise you, you fucking bastard!”


The Wild Dogs Alpha of the North.

Larry Roberts?

The mention of Larry Roberts, the Alpha of the Wild Dogs in the North, sent a chill through everyone present. Known for his brutal prowess in Grove City,
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