Grey’s lab

Ajax stared at his hands. Did he just try to protect Nicholas? Did he just shoot Mr Thorne with- what the hell was this device anyway? His eyes inspected it, hoping to find a name or brand imprinted on it..

“Ajax!” Raphael exclaimed as he ran towards Ajax. “What the hell did you just do!”

“The right thing.” Nicholas cut in as he dragged Thorne’s body to a black van that Ajax had not noticed until now.

“What did I just do!” Ajax exclaimed as it dawned on him that he might have aided in killing someone. “Oh my God!” He whispered, his voice quivering, his fingers lifted up to his lips as his eyes flickered from Raphael to Nicholas. “Did you- is he-“

“Nope. He’s still alive. He’s not dead. I only ejected the system from him.”

He sighed, as he felt the wave of relief wash over him.

“What? System? What’s going on?” Raphael asked looking torn in confusion.

“Raphael. I think it’s high time I let you in to know the secrets of Grey’s labs.” Nicholas said placing a hand on Raphael’s shoulder l
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