“I’m sorry Greg.” Adam stated. “ We tried our best but we could not get it back.”Caroline and Adam stood before him with their heads bowing in respect.They dared not to raise it up or look into his eyes. From their train of sight, all they could see was his billion dollar shoe and expensive clothing from his thoracic region below.“What?” Gregory answered.“We searched everywhere.” Caroline said her voice visibly quivering. “But-”“Adam.” Greg’s voice thundered cutting her off. “Take her to the dungeons. She needs to feel what it is like to anger me and not fulfill tasks. I have been too lenient with you Caroline.”Caroline gasped as horror flashed across her face. She fell to her knees, her hands grabbing his shoes, crying. “Please. Please. Give me more time. I promise I would get it back.” Her blonde hair was all over the place as she pleaded desperately for her life to be spared.She knew what it meant to face his wrath and she was not sure she was ready for it.“It’s too late.”
It was not long after Elena jammed the door and climbed up the stairs to her room, did she hear a sound at the door.She began stomping down the stairs ready to punch Caroline’s face. She was just a few steps to the door when it opened.Okay. That’s crazy. Every door in the house could only be opened by a key card. How did she get the key card to open the door?Raphael and Ajax stumbled in looking tired as ever. Although they came in with what seemed to be take outs and some groceries.Every anger she was feeling the past few seconds dissipated as she went to pull the two of them into a hug, sighing in relief.She grabbed the groceries from them and set them on the center table. On a second thought, she walked to door and opened it looking from left to right trying to see if Caroline was gone. She sighted her sitting on the sidewalks opposite the house.Caroline gestured with her two hands together as though pleading but Elena threw her the middle finger and banged the door.***It wa
Silence filled the room as everyone’s eyes were now fixed on Elena.“No… No I don’t.” Elena mumbled in a low whisper.Caroline took in a deep breath and sat back, relaxing into the couch.Ajax, Elena and Raphael’s attention turned to Caroline as they expected a word or two from her. When she was not saying anything, Ajax spoke up. “So what did you mean by she stole the photo from you? How? When? Explain please! Put us out of our misery.” Ajax said softly.It took Elena everything in her to not scoff at Caroline’s reaction to him.“Well. After Elena spoke with Adam or whatever. I don’t really know. All I know is that Adam brought her to spend the night at my place in our quarters and when she left that morning, she left with the photo. Her memories were wiped after then.” Caroline said.“I’m not understanding. Nothing is adding up.” Raphael said rubbing his forehead.“Elena.” Caroline called turning to her, “come on. Help me out here. Tell them everything you remember about Adam an
Memories started coming in. First it came in like flashes. Little scenes at the restaurant. Some scenes of her walking in a strange area. Scenes of her watching sick people. She could not really make out or understand what she was remembering. Suddenly they came in with full force and her head began to hurt and bang badly as she was not given any form of warning before the memories imploded in her head.Her hands clutched her head as she winced and cried out in pain, slowly dropping to the floor. Ajax and Raphael were at her sides in an instant holding her.“It hurts because she forced it in by herself. Assuming Adam made her remember by himself. It would not have hurt this much.” Caroline statedAjax and Raphael began whispering words of comfort because that was all they could offer at that moment.After a while, Elena stood up rubbing her forehead in relief. The person was gone instantly. “Woah! That was crazy.” She said chuckling. “ I can’t believe I forgot all that.” She mum
“Where are we going again?” Caroline asked squinting her eyes at Elena because of the light of the sun. “To the shopping mall.” Elena answered excitedly, a bump in her steps as they walked.“And why are we walking instead?” Raphael whined.“For exercise.” Elena answered again. “We have been holed up in that house doing nothing but brain work through out this week. It is time we stretched and exercised our physical body and muscles. It is healthy you know. Take it from a medical student.” She said with a wink as she raised her head high, walking with an air of superiority.“How far is it? We have been walking for a long time now .” Caroline whined. “It is really hot.”She was right. The sun of the summer was getting pretty hot and Caroline was wearing a pink hoodie and some sweatpants. It was safe to say she was boiling hot in those wears.“If only you could take that hoodie off-” Raphael suggested.“I’m not wearing a single thing underneath.” Caroline defended.“Why couldn’t you ju
“I’m so happy mum.” Elena said as she rubbed her Mum’s belly the millionth time. She turned to the man that stood beside her mum.He looked like he was in his early fifties. He looked handsome too. He has light freckles that dotted his nose which spread to his cheeks and under eyes.As he greeted her warmly with a smile, she noticed the wrinkles that appeared at the sides of his eyes.She turned to her mum. Her mum was smiling sweetly at her. She could see how genuine her mum’s smile was. She was glad that her mom could be happy again.“How is that boy friend of yours?” Her mum teased with a knowing smile.Elena could not help the small blush that creeped up her face. She looked away smiling. She turned to stare at Ajax, expecting to see him standing at the last place she saw him. She didn’t see him. Her eyes flickered around , searching for a six foot plus mop headed man.She saw Raphael though. He was eating at a table but she did not spot Ajax.She began searching for a particular
After Gregory ordered that Caroline be taken to be punished, she screamed and fought pleading for help as she wailed loudly trying to get Gregory to forgive her. “Please! I’ll get it back! I promise!” He turned his back on her and Adam as he left. Adam and the other guys held her back despite her thrashing around.Caroline was carried into a building that looked deserted and incomplete. Adam followed the men as he was just supposed to supervise and make sure she was locked up. Even though he did not want to, he had no choice.With tears and an aching heart, Caroline was thrown into a dark room roughly and then the door went shut.She screamed yelling and crying, banging on the door but the footsteps of her captors kept sounding distant till they were out of ear shot, thus , she was left all alone there.She felt an immense hatred and anger grow in her towards Gregory.All she wanted to do was grab his face and smash it on a wall till it was a splatter of bones and lumps of flesh
“Look Caroline.” Gregory started immediately Caroline entered his office. Suddenly, he squeezed his nose as his face morphed into one of disgust. The smell of Caroline had hit him and it smelt so bad.“I’m sorry Caroline.” He continued. “I had no right to lock you up.” He began softly as he came close to her.Despite her smell, he held her close. “I know you probably despise and hate me right now but I am really sorry.” Gregory said.He looked away. “When I ordered you to be locked up, I got busy with work and totally forgot that you were there. I never meant it Caroline.” His voice was thick with emotions. “I never wanted you to be locked up. When I finally had a free time, I wanted to invite you to have lunch with me. I wanted to spend sometime with you but then Adam informed me that I had given an order for you to be locked up. I could not believe I did that. I hated myself when he told me. I could not believe I let you stay in that God forsaken hell of a place Care. I am deeply
A weak smile graced his features as he walked through it.His eyes flipped open and he saw himself sprawled out across the floor with his hands still reaching out and holding Raphael by the chains.He felt pain in every muscle but slowly the pain began to subside. As it subsided, strength came in. When he was strong enough, he snapped the chains apart and they broke, freeing Raphael.Raphael looked at him with a mixture of worry, sadness and some thing along the lines of love. “Are you okay?” Raphael asked as he quickly freed himself from the chains and rushed up to Ajax.He cupped his face and wiped away something from his eyes.Ajax had no idea he was even tearing up. He lifted his hands to wipe his own tears. That was when he saw that he was crying tears.His eyes flickered to the reflection of himself in a mirror not so far away. He gasped as he saw the trail of blood that ran from his eyes, down to his cheeks. His ears too had the trail of blood. His nose and mouth were not left o
THE following morning, Ajax woke up to an empty bed. He opened his eyes and the clock hanging just in front of him showed that it was noon.“Okay.” He murmured. “I think something is definitely wrong. How does one sleep till twelve in the afternoon.” He could hear the sound of water rushing from a door situated on the left side of the wall. He figured that it was the bathroom and that Elena was probably having her bath.He tried sitting up and that was when he noticed that he was tied down. He frowned but then the frown was replaced with a knowing smile. “Elena.” He called. “Are you trying to molest me?”There was no reply. He chuc kled and threw his head back on the bed as he sat waiting for her to come.About three minutes had gone by.“Who pays the water bill for this place?” Ajax wondered out loud. “You use a really lot of water.”Five minutes had gone by by and he frowned. That was odd. Elena never took that long to bath. He listened carefully and that was when he heard it. The s
Raphael and Elena huddled around him quickly. “Oh my God.” The two off them chorused repeating his words.“What are you going to do?” Elena asked looking up at him.“I have no clue.” Ajax answered, his heart racing. The call ended.“Give me that.” Raphael said grabbing it from Ajax’s hands. He turned it off and placed it in his pocket. “There.” He said smiling. “Problem solved.”***Nicholas had been calling Ajax all day. His workers back at Grey’s labs had been able to created more strips following Ajax’s parents experiment and methods.They had brought wears for safety and protection in preparation for the battle/ fight.Nicholas also got tiny tracking devices to fix on any of the people so that they could track them back to their abode.***“The place is not bad.” Raphael said as soon as they got in. “Our place is better, but it’s better than the dorms in school.”Ajax could not agree more. It looked like Caroline’s apartment back when she was dating Nate.The sitting room. Two roo
Ajax’s eyes scrutinized him. Now that was a lie. A big fat one. He was definitely going to keep it for himself. Now he was slowly beginning to see what Caroline was seeing.“That way, we live without fear of anything in and around our city.” Gregory added.“I would go with you on the day of the mission. I am doing this not just because I want my freedom for mainly for my love for Elena.” Ajax stated firmly. His eyes glanced at Elena who was sitting and watching them. The love and willingness to fight filled his eyes. “We stick together right?”Elena could not help the smile creeping up her face. She nodded at him. “Yes we do.”“This would be weird though.” Raphael said scratching his head. “Fighting against the people I have always loved and adored, But I am in too.”Gregory chuckled. “First of all, I really admire your willingness to join us. I really appreciate, but I am sorry you would not have to do that.”“What?” Raphael said frowning. His friends; Elena and Ajax had the sam
First it was the Ray of sunlight that hit his eyes. It woke him up, but he did not open his eyes. He laid there for a while. Suddenly, a shadow crossed, shielding the sun away from his eyes.He slowly opened his eyes and met Elena’s brown ones.“Hey.” Ajax mumbled in his groggy night voice.“Good afternoon.” She greeted with a smile.He frowned. “Afternoon?”That was when he saw the red lipstick on her lips and her eyelashes coated in mascara with a wing liner. His eyebrows knitted deeper. She was convered in make up. Was it really not morning?He tried getting up, but Elena was on him keeping him down.“Yas.” She said as she sat up, giving him his personal space. “You have been sleeping till almost three o’clock in the afternoon.” Elena pointed out.He sat up and grabbed his watch from the drawer close to their bed. His eyes grew wide. “What? How!” He exclaimed in disbelief.“You must have been really stressed out these couple days. Have you even been sleeping?” Elena asked as she cl
She could not see the person doing it. The person blended with the darkness. She hurried towards Raphael. “Are you okay?” She whispered as she helped him up. She pulled him behind her as she enhanced her eye sight so that she could see clearly in the night.She could make out three figures. Two men and a woman. They were hiding at strategic positions.Raphael’s heart was racing erratically as he stood behind Elena. He could see barely nothing in this darkness.He glanced at Ajax. Ajax who was still dressed in his white shirt and corporate pants was crouched.Suddenly, Ajax flung his hands in the air and a figure fell to the floor, landing a little distance from Raphael. Raphael gasped in surprise.Ajax was very alert. He had no idea who their attackers were. These were one of those times he was happy that his girlfriend also had a system. She was a strong girl and could fend off these people on her own, but he could not help but still worry for her.His eyes turned to check up on
“Damn bro.” Raphael said smiling and patting Ajax’s back in pride. “You are one smart ass.”Ajax threw him a smile. “Of course I am.”The two continued walking. In the dark lonely street.It was late and people had gone to bed. There was not a single soul in sight. The two young boys had fallen silent that was when they felt the cold bite of the chill wind.“Uh.. so what are.. where are we going?” Raphael said rubbing his hands against his body to create heat.“I have no idea man. I am just walking.” Ajax said turning to Raphael.The two tried to hold a serious expression but failed and ended up laughing hysterically.“Hold up.” Ajax said stopping. “Let me try Elena. Maybe she would lead us to where she is.”***Elena had gotten to the quarters, her eyes red and face covered with dried tears. She had walked all the way to the place with a heavy heart and tears spilling down her eyes till there was no tears left to cry.How did she get here? How did her sweet relationship with Ajax
Elena got to the stairs and stopped. She looked back at Ajax. He was not making even the slightest move to even chase after her. It broke her heart to say the least. Was he actually choosing Nicholas and Caroline over her? Her eyes flickered to Caroline who stood at a corner. She glanced at Raphael. He shook his head at her with his expression torn between worry, disappointment, sadness and betrayal.She turned to Ajax, he still stood with shock. She could see the little pool of tears gathering in his eyes.Her heart was breaking. Was he actually not coming after her. Her vision began to get blurred as the tears that was in her eyes threatened to fall.She spun around and ran up the stairs into her room and shut the door behind her. Her breathing ragged she took in deep breaths to calm herself.Slowly the reality of everything that just happened began to dawn on her. Ajax had just chosen Caroline and Nicolas over her.She had just lost him. She had lost Ajax. Her lips parted in d
Ajax, Caroline and Raphael turned around and saw Elena standing and watching them with a frown.Tension and silence descended amidst them, making the atmosphere thick. “Oh hi.” Caroline greeted with a cheerful smile, her voice light as a squeak.Suddenly, she felt a flurry of wind hit her as she saw a blur of white and then Elena was tackled into a hug.She gasped at the sudden movement. Was that how much he missed her? She could not help but smile at the duo. No, she did not feel any atom of jealousy. She had fully gotten over Ajax that she could not see him in such light anymore.As for Ajax, all he did was listen to Caroline tell the story of Elena when he heard the soft voice he had been craving to hear for days now.The sight of her felt like he had been in a dark room for a really long and was finally let out to see the light.Although his girl had frown lines on her head with a scowl and eye bags that showed that she had not been sleeping and how stressed she had been, yet she