The doorbell rang and Chloe walked towards the door to open it and witnessed the face of the person who was betraying the butler by working at his house and backstabbing him by helping her husband, Ethan behind his back.The moment she opened the door, the ground under her feet crumbled watching Aunt Maria, the oldest servant of the Butler's villa, standing at the door with a file in her hand.Moreover, the smile on her face while greeting Chole did not go unnoticed by her as it was a sign of her victory."Good morning, madam.",Aunt Maria greeted her, bowing down her head in front of her.To which she earned a disappointed face from Chloe."I can't believe you were the traitor, who was working in my father in law's house for the last 20 years, then also you did not think about it once before breaking his trust on you.",Chloe scoffed, looking at her disgustingly."Let her come inside. Stop your rubbish now.",Ethan ordered, while taking a seat on his chair.She came inside hearing his
Lisa reached the hospital where her younger brother was admitted for treatment and rushed towards his room after inquiring at the reception counter.Her steps halted in her way when she saw her father coming out of his room and she looked at her father's face, after such a long time.She was living away from her family for a job so that she could help her father financially as their financial condition was not so good before she stepped out of her family, searching for a good job away from her own city."Daddy!"She sighed, watching how her Dad's face wrinkled up due to aging, and his painful expressions on his face was enough to let anyone know how much he was struggling in his day to day life.He looked at the source of the voice, and suddenly his gloomy face turned into a happy one watching his daughter in front of her.She ran in his direction and hugged him tightly with tears streaming down her cheeks, watching her father's wrinkled face."Lisa, my child."Her father hugged her bac
Clutching the hem of her top, Lisa started telling her side of story while her father was looking at her without blinking his eyes."It all started with a deal. A deal that changed my life forever.My boss made a deal with me in exchange for the job he was going to assign me.At first, I rejected his proposal because my mind did not give me approval for the work he was assigning me to do.But when he mentioned about Sebastian, the only friend in my life which I could not resist falling in love with, my heart betrayed me, accepting his offer."Lisa revealed, regret clearly visible on her face for her decision."What deal?",Her father asked, interrupting in between."He wanted all the property of the Reynold's in his name, and by helping him in executing his plan, he was not only paying me a good salary but also I got a chance to become Sebastian's personal secretary.And in that way it became so easy for me to stay near him and make him remember all the past memories he spent with me.B
"What?",Her father asked, gasping in disbelief."You did not even bother to share all this with your father even for once while you were busy dealing with all this, all alone?",Her father asked, complaining to her."I am sorry Dad. I am really very sorry for all this.I know you got disappointed with me but trust me, I became so blind after Sebastian that I forgot the difference between what's wrong and what's right ?I was never a good daughter, nor a good friend.I was just a useless human who became very selfish when it came to fulfilling her wish.I made you feel ashamed because of me.If possible, please forgive me for all my mistakes.I also asked for an apology to Sebastian and Amelia, for my misbehavior towards them.And now , I don't care what my boss will do with me after knowing that I gave up on his plan because now I am not scared anymore.After my brother will recover I will shift you both to another city, away from everyone's eyes and I will move back to my work, as Se
Ethan was crying badly after hearing the whole truth from Maria's mouth while his wife, Chloe was giving her support to him, by holding his hands tightly."Chloe, how will I face myself after knowing how selfish son I was with my father ?Who only loved me in return no matter how selfish I became after money."Ethan asked, looking at her."Calm down Ethan. Please calm down. ",Chole consoled, patting his shoulder."How could I simply calm down, Chloe?Did you know I crossed all my limits of being selfish all the time when my father was busy arranging everything in place in my life secretly ?You were right that time when you tried to stop me from planning and plotting all this.But I was so stupid that I did not listen to your advice even for once!",He regretted, closing his eyes."Ethan, we will talk about it with our father. I am sure he will forgive us for our mistakes.After all, parents never get angry with their children for long.",Chloe suggested, wiping away his tears from her f
"Sebastian, it all started when I was young and in search of a job that will help me to earn for my family.That time in my family, I only had my elder son, Ethan and my wife as my only family.Later, she got pregnant with Henry, Amelia's father.I landed in your grandfather's company, as his Butler.And from there, everyone started calling me Butler.", Aiden said, recalling the past old memories of him.And soon with the passing time, he confessed everything to him, telling how his father transferred his business on his name to work and flew away with his family to make his career."That's all. This was my dark secret, I was hiding from you from day one till now.But now I am more scared for my granddaughter's life because now her whole happiness lies in you.You are her own world and I don't want to become the reason for ruining her world because of my past sins.I am sure your family will not agree for this marriage at any cost.What will Amelia do then ?Where will she go? ", Aide
When everyone has tears of happiness in their eyes suddenly a call from Amelia out of nowhere makes the atmosphere tensed up again."What? What are you saying ?Noah didn't reach the venue till yet?Calm down. Just calm down, wifey.I am coming, I am on my way to reach here.We will find him out.You just take care of you and Liara, okay ?", Sebastian tried to console her, as she was panicking badly.After he hung up the call, he looked at his family members who had expressions of worries on their face, regarding Noah."Sebastian you go, we are here to look after Uncle.Our daughter in law needs you, right at the moment so just go. ", Sebastian's mother suggested, rubbing his back."Thanks, Mom. I will be back soon.Please take care of Grandpa and if you need anything, call me without any hesitation.",Sebastian reminded, while hurrying up on his way to reach the venue.On the other side, Liara was crying badly after realizing Noah's absence around her."Calm down, Lia. We will find hi
Noah slowly opened his eyes, blinking it several times before opening.His vision blurred as he was trying to scan his surroundings."Where am I? ", He asked himself, when a wave of pain surged through his hands and his head started aching badly."The last time I remembered I went to a salon to get myself ready for the marriage ceremony and there an attendant gave me a welcome drink.After having that my head started spinning and after that what happened to me, I really don't remember."He mumbled to himself, trying to move.That was when he realized his hands were tied with a rope and he could not even flinch from his place as he was bound to a chair."What the hell? ",He shouted, trying to open the knots but failed miserably when his hands started paining more than before."Finally you are in your senses now.I thought you will wake up, after your so-called lover, Liara will get married to someone else and you will go there to congratulate her for a happy married life.",A man behind